Monday, June 23, 2008


Well, I passed my Eagle Bored of Review.  Yay!  It was so easy; I couldn't believe it.  I don't know why I was worried at all.  Now I'm an Eagle Scout, w00t!  When I get back from Philmont, I can start planning when to have the Court of Honor, which will probably be planned for the end of August or the beginning of September.  I'll be going to Belize (Or wherever.  My parents are looking at some Caribbean islands now.) soon after getting back.  If we're home soon enough, I may be able to squeeze the Court of Honor into the last few days of break.  That would be ideal.

Two nights ago I saw "The Hunted," which was an OK movie.  The ending was horrible, though.  It's like their budget suddenly fell through, so I wasn't very impressed with that.  The violence was good, however!  =)

Then last night I watched "The Bucket List."  It was anything like I thought it would be, but it was still pretty good.  I had higher expectations for it, because of what other people told me.  It didn't quite meet them all, and it's definitely not a comedy (somehow I got the impression that it would be from the commercials).

BL Quote

Denny: A meeting?  Would I have to talk?

Bethany: You're much more impressive when you don't.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Eagle Board of Review

My Eagle Board of Review is tonight at six!  I haven't started studying yet, but it's all good.  I just need to relearn my knots and lashings, and then I'll be set,  Everyone I've asked says it'll be really easy, but I won't be totally settled until it's over.

Oh, this is weird.  On yesterday's entry, I tried to put my emotion as "tired," but everytime I submitted it, it came out as "thoughtful."  Strange.  I even edited that entry twice to change it to "tired," but it always turned to "thoughtful" again.  Whatever.

I don't think I've said it on the blog yet, but apparently we are going to Belize now for our family vacation, which is cool.  It's not quite Peru, but whatever.  One day we're all like, "Ya, Peru's good..." and then the next day my mom's like, "Oh, by the way, we're going to Belize."  Ha, ha... I don't know where that came from, but, oh, well.  I don't mind.

Oh, and here's "The Deathly Outtakes," Alwaysbored.  I took a while for me to find it, so you better like it!

BL Quote

Denny: You people have an overreacting problem, you know that?

Lawyer: [offended] "We people?"

Denny: Yeah, the same thing in Lebanon.  They grab a few soldiers, you respond with overkill, and that's a problem.

Bethany: Are you saying Israel doesn't have the right to defend itself?

Denny: Well, of course, they do.  But you can't blow up a country just because you get mad.  Only the United States enjoys that privelege.  We're a superpower; God is on our side.

I'm all out of Footnotes from Shoetopia.  Sob.  =(

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ah! Busy, Busy!

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted.  I am so sorry.  I haven't been on the Internet in ages!  A couple time I started to write an entry, but I was interrupted and had to stop.  So much has been going on!

I've been so busy, I've had to have three different birthdays!  First was my actual birthday, but I didn't have any time to do anything I wanted between Driver's Ed, cleaning the house, and Tae Kwon Do.  Second was one with my family at CHOPS, but I didn't do anything exciting during the day because of Driver's Ed, etc.  Then last Thursday I had a partay with my peeps.  That was fun!  I'll be having a fourth birthday in July with the rest of my family.  We combine the summer birthdays to make it easy on all of our schedules.

Today was my last day of Driver's Ed!  I love driving; it's pretty cool.  =)

Tomorrow is my Eagle Board of Review.  I'll be cramming my knots and lashings tonight.  I've got the rest pretty well down, though.

A week from today is my Black Belt test, about which I'm a little nervous.  Not much, though.  I've never failed a Tae Kwon Do test, and I don't plan on starting now.

I recently finished the fourth book in the Percy Jackson series, The Battle of the Labyrinth.  Now I'm rereading the whole Harry Potter series.  I'm on the third book right now.  It's interesting reading all seven through, one after another.

Oh, and meet Ducalax, the blue zebra.  My mom found him for my birthday at the grocery store!

(A Butt Ton of ) BL Quote


Alan: I didn't see you on the balcony the other night.

Denny: Bev and I had something to do... then we did it again.


Denny: [Referring to a topless, political rally in one of Alan's cases] I heard there were two hundred women... that's four hundred breats!  And you kept them all to yourself!


[Looking at the rally on TV]

Alan: Oh, look, it's me!

Denny: I can see that.  You were there, in a sea of breats, and you didn't invite me!


Alan: I need your boobs.

Shirley: OK... but have them home by 11.


Shirley: Denise, I understand you're going through some difficulties in your personal life.

Denise: It's hard, but I'll get through it.

Shirley: From what I know about you, when things get tough you prefer to bury yourself in your work.  Allow me to provide you with a shovel.


Denny: Bev will be happy, which makes me happy, which makes you happy.  So really, Brad, you're doing this to make you happy.


Alan: Denny, I refuse to shoot you!

Denny: You... Democrat!  Protesting war and banning guns!  If you Nancies had your way, nobody would ever shoot anybody!  And then where would we be?


Alan: You're not losing an Alan, you're gaining a Bev, the girl of your recent dreams.

Denny: Alan, you're my best friend.  If you want, you can dream about her, too.


Alan: I have a similar bit of wisdom I like to share.  We can do this my way or another way that will have you writing a very large check and crying like a baby.


Judge Sanders: 10 A.M. tomorrow, and I would ask Counsel to check his sense of humor at the door.  My courtroom is a temple of decorum.  And I do not tolerate jibber-jabber! 


Denny: I hear you misplaced a client.

Alan: Not really.  Like car keys and sunglasses, he'll show up somewhere.


ADA Kupfer: You know if the U.S. really wanted to torture detainees, they'd sentence them to be with you for a day.  I imagine that's excruciating.

Alan: You have no idea.

Footnotes from Shoetopia

Monday, June 9, 2008

Summer in Motion

Ah, it seems like my summer routine is in motion now.  I've got a pretty regular weekday schedule:

- Drivers' Ed.

- Lunch/Hanging Out/Movie/Blogging

- Tae Kwon Do/Boy Scouts

- Badminton

This is the last of the two bookwork weeks for Drivers' Ed.  Next week, (luckily, at the same time of the two previous classroom weeks) I will be doing the practical portion, which is composed of six three-hour long sessions, Monday-Saturday.  I will drive for one of the hours, and I will be observing other students for the remaining two.  Observation.  Fun, fun...

Sorry I haven't written in a while.  I have been arranging a lot of things in my schedule for the summer and haven't had much time for posting.  The final draft of my summer vacation is almost complete.

I won't be in Indiana from July 1-15 because of Philmont.  I can't wait!  New Mexico will be amazing!  Unfortunately, there is one more practice hike I have to go to.  Blagh.  That's this Friday.  I'm really not looking forward to that, but it's morethan worth it in the end.

The family vacation will happen sometime at the end of July to mid-August.  We don't know the exact dates or even where we are going yet.  Probably... hopefully... Peru - my idea.  I know that we'll be leaving the states for sure.  We didn't leave the U.S. last year, which is like the first summer in ages when we haven't, so we're all dying to get out this year.

On June 28, I'll be testing for my Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do!  I am totally ecstatic about that!  That means that I'll be able to attend when I want to, not because I have to -same for Boy Scouts.  My Eagle Board of Review is in the process of being scheduled, but it will happen before June 26.  I'm so excited; my Freshmen schedule will be so much more flexible than this last year's was.

Sadly, I've lost one game of badminton since the last time I posted.  My record for the summer is now 4-1.  What a blemish.  ¡Que lastima!  Oh, and I'm looking for some weekend badminton tournaments to compete in on the side of everything else.  If you here of any local ones, please, please, please tell me in a comment or whatever!

Here is a really funny music video that Alwaysbored introduced me to!  Watch it!

Mariah Carey - Touch My Body

Ha, ha...

You may or may not know, but over the last two-and-a-half months, Turtles has been compiling a list of one hundred quotes.  She suggests that you read all of them.  I have, and it's worth it!  They'll be posted in a follow-up in a few minutes after I submit this, because I actually had over 25,000 characters with the quotes.  It wouldn't accept it.  That's the first time that's ever happened to me!  I won't be doing any BL quotes in either this one of the follow-up, because you'll get dumped with all those anyway.

Footnotes from Shoetopia



Oh, and speaking of birthdays, mine is in two days!  I'm excited about that, too!


Wow.  That was a long post.  =)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I despise Drivers' Ed.  Having my permit will rock, but the class is so insanely boring.  I would die if I didn't have my cell phone and people to text.  Fortunately, I sit in the very back, so it's really easy to get away with crap.  It's especially good for Mr. Casabon's class, because he's strict as far as Drivers' Ed. teachers go, which is still pretty easy.  For example, the term "double clutching" showed up on one of our tests yesterday.  We didn't cover it in class, so I asked him what I should do.  He just flat out told me the answer was false, and if something should show up again that we didn't cover I should ask him.  All the sudden I had a lot of questions.

In Indiana, everyone has to take thirty hours of bookwork to complete Drivers' Ed.  At Dwenger, that's ten days of three hours a piece.  We get one fifteen minute break.  Luckily, Dwenger has vending machines and a cafeteria open, so that's nice.

Oh, and crazy party on Monday, Norbert's Mother!

Ha, ha... hairspray...

BL Quote


Denny: Objection.  Your Honor, she's being... objectionable!

Judge: Sustained.


[During an office meeting about a costume party]

Brad: This is so high school.

Paul: As opposed to you and Jeffrey slugging it out in the men's room?

Brad: I won!

Jeffrey: Did not!

Paul: Shut up!

Footnotes from Shoetopia

Monday, June 2, 2008

Summer Theme

You undoubtedly noticed the new theme for summer.  The new color reminded of me of sand on a beach, so I thought that'd be fitting.  I renamed the blog "The Party at the End of the World," too.  "I named him Sparky.  I like that name."

I was up well past midnight last night watching some ultimate fighting at a party at the Moores' house.  There was a big, mixed martial arts, fight (and a lot of smaller ones), so the Moores threw a party, and a we came over to watch some.  It wasn't bad; I actually enjoyed most of it.

I'm going to my first Drivers' Ed. class this morning!  I'm pretty excited!  I cannot wait to get my license next summer.  That'll be awesome.  =)

BL Quote

Denise: The rich are different from you and me.

Paul: Certainly from you.

Footnotes from Shoetopia

Sunday, June 1, 2008

So Jealous

I'm so jealous of Mina!  She gets to go to France's South coast to visit her grandmother for two months, one week of which will be spent in Rome!  Southern France is my favorite part (NICE!) with the one exception being Paris - love that city.  And then Italy!  Gar!  And of course she'll be in Rome - my favorite Italian (with a soft "i," Turtles! =P) city.  NICE!

Oh, and I loved "Prince Caspian" yesterday!  I liked the music, too, especially "The Call."  I bought that soundtrack on iTunes when I got home.  "Prince Caspian" was even better than the first movie, I thought.  It inspired me to (probably) reread those books this summer (but not before America's Hidden History, which is still totally amazing.

If anyone's looked at the back of my door during a party or something (I don't know why you would, but if you did...), you probably saw the "Studying... Please Don't Disturb" sign.  Well, ya, I totally burned that yesterday.  Ha, ha... homework is so behind me right now.  Here's the pics I took of it while it burned (muhaha)...

This last school year has now been conquered symbolically, as well as physically.  =)

I just got back from hanging out at the Moore's pool for the afternoon.  It was really nice out today!  I went for a hike in the woods and read my book in the morning.

BL Quote

Bev: [referring to Denny] And why did you screw him?

Shirley: I lost a bet.

Footnotes from Shoetopia