Wow, it's been a while since I've posted. I am so sorry. I haven't been on the Internet in ages! A couple time I started to write an entry, but I was interrupted and had to stop. So much has been going on!
I've been so busy, I've had to have three different birthdays! First was my actual birthday, but I didn't have any time to do anything I wanted between Driver's Ed, cleaning the house, and Tae Kwon Do. Second was one with my family at CHOPS, but I didn't do anything exciting during the day because of Driver's Ed, etc. Then last Thursday I had a partay with my peeps. That was fun! I'll be having a fourth birthday in July with the rest of my family. We combine the summer birthdays to make it easy on all of our schedules.
Today was my last day of Driver's Ed! I love driving; it's pretty cool. =)
Tomorrow is my Eagle Board of Review. I'll be cramming my knots and lashings tonight. I've got the rest pretty well down, though.
A week from today is my Black Belt test, about which I'm a little nervous. Not much, though. I've never failed a Tae Kwon Do test, and I don't plan on starting now.
I recently finished the fourth book in the Percy Jackson series, The Battle of the Labyrinth. Now I'm rereading the whole Harry Potter series. I'm on the third book right now. It's interesting reading all seven through, one after another.

Oh, and meet Ducalax, the blue zebra. My mom found him for my birthday at the grocery store!

(A Butt Ton of ) BL Quote
Alan: I didn't see you on the balcony the other night.
Denny: Bev and I had something to do... then we did it again.
Denny: [Referring to a topless, political rally in one of Alan's cases] I heard there were two hundred women... that's four hundred breats! And you kept them all to yourself!
[Looking at the rally on TV]
Alan: Oh, look, it's me!
Denny: I can see that. You were there, in a sea of breats, and you didn't invite me!
Alan: I need your boobs.
Shirley: OK... but have them home by 11.
Shirley: Denise, I understand you're going through some difficulties in your personal life.
Denise: It's hard, but I'll get through it.
Shirley: From what I know about you, when things get tough you prefer to bury yourself in your work. Allow me to provide you with a shovel.
Denny: Bev will be happy, which makes me happy, which makes you happy. So really, Brad, you're doing this to make you happy.
Alan: Denny, I refuse to shoot you!
Denny: You... Democrat! Protesting war and banning guns! If you Nancies had your way, nobody would ever shoot anybody! And then where would we be?
Alan: You're not losing an Alan, you're gaining a Bev, the girl of your recent dreams.
Denny: Alan, you're my best friend. If you want, you can dream about her, too.
Alan: I have a similar bit of wisdom I like to share. We can do this my way or another way that will have you writing a very large check and crying like a baby.
Judge Sanders: 10 A.M. tomorrow, and I would ask Counsel to check his sense of humor at the door. My courtroom is a temple of decorum. And I do not tolerate jibber-jabber!
Denny: I hear you misplaced a client.
Alan: Not really. Like car keys and sunglasses, he'll show up somewhere.
ADA Kupfer: You know if the U.S. really wanted to torture detainees, they'd sentence them to be with you for a day. I imagine that's excruciating.
Alan: You have no idea.
Footnotes from Shoetopia