Sunday, June 22, 2008

Eagle Board of Review

My Eagle Board of Review is tonight at six!  I haven't started studying yet, but it's all good.  I just need to relearn my knots and lashings, and then I'll be set,  Everyone I've asked says it'll be really easy, but I won't be totally settled until it's over.

Oh, this is weird.  On yesterday's entry, I tried to put my emotion as "tired," but everytime I submitted it, it came out as "thoughtful."  Strange.  I even edited that entry twice to change it to "tired," but it always turned to "thoughtful" again.  Whatever.

I don't think I've said it on the blog yet, but apparently we are going to Belize now for our family vacation, which is cool.  It's not quite Peru, but whatever.  One day we're all like, "Ya, Peru's good..." and then the next day my mom's like, "Oh, by the way, we're going to Belize."  Ha, ha... I don't know where that came from, but, oh, well.  I don't mind.

Oh, and here's "The Deathly Outtakes," Alwaysbored.  I took a while for me to find it, so you better like it!

BL Quote

Denny: You people have an overreacting problem, you know that?

Lawyer: [offended] "We people?"

Denny: Yeah, the same thing in Lebanon.  They grab a few soldiers, you respond with overkill, and that's a problem.

Bethany: Are you saying Israel doesn't have the right to defend itself?

Denny: Well, of course, they do.  But you can't blow up a country just because you get mad.  Only the United States enjoys that privelege.  We're a superpower; God is on our side.

I'm all out of Footnotes from Shoetopia.  Sob.  =(


Anonymous said...

hahaha the deathly outtakes were amazing!
he kilt'd you? i didnt know you were scottish!
hahaa kilts and noserings and such..
ohh and belize should be awesome! have funn!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you liked it!  Ha, ha, ha......... kilts... All my friends and I were considering buying kilts to wear to school for one day, but then we're like nah, that's just tooooo weird.  Ha, ha.  Plus kilts from stores are kind of expensive, and we didn't feel like making our own.  It wasn't worth it.

Oh, and the bird in this post is adorable, I do believe.  I'm naming it "Miley" as a tribute to Alwaysbored's favorite singer.  Te he...  =D

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I'm renaming this post the "Eagle Bored of Review."  It makes so much more sense.  I can't wait for this to be over.

Anonymous said...

bird = adorable
miley = gag me.

Anonymous said...

congrats on your eagleee!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!