Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I despise Drivers' Ed.  Having my permit will rock, but the class is so insanely boring.  I would die if I didn't have my cell phone and people to text.  Fortunately, I sit in the very back, so it's really easy to get away with crap.  It's especially good for Mr. Casabon's class, because he's strict as far as Drivers' Ed. teachers go, which is still pretty easy.  For example, the term "double clutching" showed up on one of our tests yesterday.  We didn't cover it in class, so I asked him what I should do.  He just flat out told me the answer was false, and if something should show up again that we didn't cover I should ask him.  All the sudden I had a lot of questions.

In Indiana, everyone has to take thirty hours of bookwork to complete Drivers' Ed.  At Dwenger, that's ten days of three hours a piece.  We get one fifteen minute break.  Luckily, Dwenger has vending machines and a cafeteria open, so that's nice.

Oh, and crazy party on Monday, Norbert's Mother!

Ha, ha... hairspray...

BL Quote


Denny: Objection.  Your Honor, she's being... objectionable!

Judge: Sustained.


[During an office meeting about a costume party]

Brad: This is so high school.

Paul: As opposed to you and Jeffrey slugging it out in the men's room?

Brad: I won!

Jeffrey: Did not!

Paul: Shut up!

Footnotes from Shoetopia


Anonymous said...

well at least you're taking it.
i hate dumb birthdays that don't fall before july 1st.
i don't even care if i have a car though.
i just want to drive boats. legally. hahaha.

Anonymous said...

i emailed you the song!
i love it.