Monday, October 27, 2008

Colombia City Kleptomania

Well, I had my first Varsity debate ever last Saturday. It was in Colombia City, which was a blessing. I got to sleep in almost two hours more than usual for debates. My public forum team, my brother and I, got ninth, which I'm really excited about. I didn't think that we'd even place in the top ten, so that was a real joy. I was tired and lacking spirit, though. I had no gusto at all while I was speaking, which probably didn't help us.

Watch out, she's a bit of a klepto.

Although I love debate, I can't say that's exactly how I like to spend the entire Saturday of my fall "break." Furthermore, this Saturday is another debate. The topic is whether or not America should adopt the French health care system, I think is a really boring and lame subject, especially compared to nuclear energy, our October resolution. Anyway, last Saturday, I was ready to go home after round two. Had it not been for coffee and walking around the upstairs before the competition started, I would've been dead tired. Our experience with the doorstop was priceless - definitely a sweet nibbletz moment.

Since 19__, we have erected __ nuclear facilities.

I heard a great story from one of our Congressional... people (COUGHhomosCOUGH). During a debate about whether or not naturalized citizens should be allowed to become president, a competitor said that because Jesus died for all of our sins, everyone had the right to become president. Obviously, he didn't win. Ha, ha... I think he might have been a little bit desperate.

Save the environment; mate with manatees.

I am still super-psyched for "Underworld." Ah!!! The demo comes out tomorrow on "Tomb Raider Chronicles," and I'm really pumped. It should be very amazing. =)

I have to get a Hannah Montana costume tomorrow, too. I'll be sad if I don't get one. =(

I went home early today, because I had a splitting migraine. I was only going to miss IED and Spanish. In IED, we're doing a project that I'm three days ahead on and in Spanish we're making Justo posters, so I wasn't exactly going to miss much at all.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Spell Bowl at Hamilton!

Sorry I didn't post this sooner. I tried five times before to do so, but the photos option was under construction. We all know there isn't much of a point writing a Spell Bowl post if you can't add pictures!
Ha, ha... Spell Bowl was so amazing last Monday (a week ago now). BK icees afterwards rocked, too!

Come on people, these words aren't gonna spell

Embrocation with Ben-Gay to help your sore muscles.

Polynomials, too.


Go Mrs. Ohneck!

It was definitely awesome. I was trying to decide which meet was the most fun, but I can't decide. They were all to fabulous to choose just one! Here are a few words we spelled:

~ monogramattic

~ aggrandizement

~ eclecticism

~ ebullience

~ fiduciary

~ embrocation

~ periphrastic

~ piece de resistance

~ lambency

~ presbytery

~ ubiquitous

~ illimitable

~ miscible

~ hemorrhage (hee-moor-haj, right Turtles?)

~ Aristophanes

~ homogeneous

~ sapience

We got 27/66 in state, so we are better than average anyway! We were also the top school in Fort Wayne, which is gratifying. Unfortunately, my own contributions were not all that fab at this competition (6/9). That's OK, though, I still had fun! =)

I am so excited for Tomb Raider: Underworld. It's less than a month away, and I'm going insane. I have the eighteenth all planned out. My brother is driving me to Best Buy directly after school, so I can go pick it up - sweet nibbletz.

I had a debate meet last Saturday, which went quite well I thought, but I'm saving that for my next post. Spell Bowl and Debate are both amazing but in their own ways, so I think they should have their own posts.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Boob Combustion

I found an amazing song a few days ago - "I Hate This Part" by the Pussycat Dolls. The music video is good, too. Oh, and if you get a chance, check out "Magic," also by them.

I can still add videos, but not from YouTube, which is sad, but it's not the end of the world. I can only upload them from my computer.

I cleaned my room today, which must be something like the first time in two weeks. You can always tell that I'm really busy when my room's dirty, because I like it to be very clean, especially my windows. =)

Combust? Isn't that something with boobs?

Here's a rubble picture from the marshmallow Twin Towers.

I missed both of the Fall Choir Previews, because of movie night on Friday and CHOPS on Saturday. That was sad, but, you know, going to CHOPS isn't all that bad. Somehow I was able to find solace in their classic cheesecake. =)

I saw "Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" for the first time Saturday. I thought that it was really retarded. I didn't dig the whole aliens thing, which ruined Indiana Jones for me. Sci-Fi and IJ don't mix. Thumbs up to the sword fight on the cars, though. That was definitely the highlight of the movie. And come on, if they can make a fourth Indiana Jones, I think they can make a third Tomb Raider. Speaking of which, the new game comes out in less than a month. Ha, ha... that's the one video game I actually like. I cannot stand practically any others.

I also saw "Gladiator" for the first time Friday during movie night. Even though I fell asleep during the movie while I was supposed to be hosting, I finished it Saturday morning. I really liked it. Ha, ha... it was absolutely better than Indiana Jones.

I'll bring my paddle to be safe. Either way, I won't be

Ha, ha... we rock. Our jokes are definitely the best ever.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Living in the Moment

Hm... my life is sweet nibbletz right now. I'm super-looking forward to tomorrow. It should be very awesome! Debate and Spell Bowl are amazing. I'm looking forward to (possibly) the last Spell Bowl meet of the season on Monday. It should be pretty intense, and I'm very psyched.
Team BPJ!!!

Well summer's dying, and that makes me sad. The good thing is, though, that Christmas is coming! Woot! And so is spring, which is my favorite season if you were curious. I was a little sad that I didn't get a lot of time to hang out in my woods this summer. I usually spend like half my summer there, and I wasn't there nearly that much this year. But that's OK, I guess, that just means I'll have to spend twice as much in the forest next year!

Sarah's warm, but she's not on my back.

On a positive note, however, the season change means American Eagle sales. I could use a new jacket, so I have prospects for this weekend or the next for some quality time at the mall.

We are in love like armadillos in a desert.

She's as hungry as a caterpillar in a rain forest!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Indianapolis Debate

Indianapolis was great yesterday! I was very pleased with how it went; 4-0, and the competition was a lot tougher than Munster. My first round we were aff second. In the second round we were con second, in the third, con second, and in the fourth, aff second. Ha, ha... going second rocks, but I really hate aff. That's OK, though, because I can advocate.

The first round was fairly tame. It was our first time ever debating aff, so we had a few stumbles, but we pulled through in the cross fires and by means of a strong first constructive and final focus.

I couldn't help but cracking up in the second round. Every time before we talk, we have to ask, "Judge ready?" and "Opponents ready?" Well, when I asked the latter, the Asian I was deposing had a lisp, "Yessssss (clicks)." I tried to restrain myself from totally cracking up.

The third round was probably the most colorful. They must've had some sort of debate death wish or something. Besides calling me unpatriotic (what the heck, personal attack, much), the guy I was against in cross fire said, "I don't need proof," "Statistics don't mean anything," and "When it comes down to it, we have to put our faith in America's troops." For some reason, he wanted to talk about the war in Iraq, even though the debate was about nuclear energy. I would've felt bad for him if he wasn't going after me personally like he was. Since when has it been unpatriotic to be against significantly increasing America's use of nuclear energy anyway? Ha, ha... whatever. Uninformed people are fun to debate. =)

The fourth round was definitely our hardest. We were power matched (meaning we were both 3-0 to eliminate ties) against an Asian and an Arab (a deadly combination in debate). They won the coin flip and chose con, so we were aff second. Besides being aff, they were really good. Once again, though, the cross fires and final focus pulled us through. I delivered the final focus, and I was kind of mad, because they said that we would not be able to discover how to recycle nuclear waste in 10,000 years, which is preposterous. I quote from the last speech, "I also have to object to paranoia and pessimism being submitted as evidence." Ha, ha... a little inflammatory for a debate, but they were getting on my nerves.

So yeah, all in all, it was totally awesome! The bus rides weren't as fun as Munster's, but I think the debates were better. Not to mention, we got four rounds instead of three.

Hey CHS people! Wednesday from 6-8 is "Support Speech and Debate" at Buffalo Wild Wings. I hope to see my peeps there!

Nooooo, David! Stop ittttt! Nooooooo!!!

Ha, ha... Spell Bowl is so amazing.

Ryan's was sweet nibbletz last night! Ha, ha... And we have yet to actually see a movie at Ryan's movie nights. =)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Brebeuf Jesuit!!!!

Wow. I'm psyched for the debate at Brebeuf Jesuit in Indianapolis tomorrow. I have to get up at 3:30 A.M. again, but for a nuclear energy argument, I'll do it. Ha, ha... yeah, I'm a debate nerd. =P

There's a P.A. party at my house tonight, but I'm not sure how much I'll participate. I really need to use the time to practice for aff tomorrow. I'm very prepared for con, but I'm not too comfortable with affirmative yet. Last time I got lucky and debated con for all three rounds, but it could easily be different this time. All meets from on out with have four rounds as well.

The victims are on the paper!

Here's my amazing video from the Spell Bowl bus to Belmont, and my awesome cat. =)

Ha, ha... like Shirley Schmidt.

I'm really excited about this new blog. I can actually load video! At AOL Journals, I couldn't put on any vids that were over 2 MB or something if I was downloading it from my computer. Here, my limit is 100 MB. Ha, ha... yeah, so it had to pretty much be about two seconds long over there. The pictures transfer a lot faster here, too!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Hello and welcome to the new home of "Audaces Fortuna Iuvat." I'm very excited to see what "Blogger" has to offer, and I'm anxious to get settled. Thanks for your patience and understanding as we made the move. I'm looking forward to writing here! Here's what's been going on over the last week-ish.

On Thursday I started going out with EH, but unfortunately it didn't last. I'll admit that I fell for her, but apparently she didn't feel the same way about me. On Monday I got a note that read:

David -

I don't want to go out with you anymore. I liked it better when we were friends. I hope you understand.

- E

I was pretty ticked to say the least about how she broke up with me - a note, and she couldn't even deliver it herself. For all the of the couples out there, before you go out with someone, make sure you care about them enough to do the break up properly. She never gave any reason that I had done something horribly wrong, or that I had somehow deserved this.

My Monday drastically improved, though. That evening was another Spell Bowl meet, and it was fabulous. Alwaysbored, KF, and Pandaguy are great spellers and better friends; I had a lot of fun. Not to mention we totally kicked butt. Congrats to Alwaysbored on her ribbon-winning, near perfect round (8/9). I didn't do too bad either, I don't think (9/9). =)

Here are some words from Monday's competition:

  • irascibility

  • Dostoyevsky

  • summa cum laude

  • solemnization

  • misspelled =)

  • indefatigability

  • salicylic

  • theobromine

  • Lancashire

  • marquisette (¡we rock Alwaysbored!)

  • persona non grata

I think the tampon dispenser was your cue.

  • bishopric

  • prestidigitation

  • helminth

  • cedilla

  • miscibility

  • sanguinarily

  • beadle

  • kinescope

  • hermetically

  • couturier

  • periheleon

  • ampoule

  • logarithmic function

  • Aristotelian

  • bacchanal

  • inimitable

  • Hippocrates

Tuesday and Wednesday were, well, in word, sleepy. I have been so tired this week, and I have a debate in Indy on Saturday. I took today off. Mostly it was because I wasn't feeling to well when I woke up, but I also thought today would be one of those days when I can get more done at home than at school. I have pretty much everything I need for today. I'm having my brother pick up just a couple things for me, but besides that, I'm set for the day. My room could use a good cleaning, too, and the blog needed to be launched. All in all, it just looked like a good day to stay home.