Monday, October 27, 2008

Colombia City Kleptomania

Well, I had my first Varsity debate ever last Saturday. It was in Colombia City, which was a blessing. I got to sleep in almost two hours more than usual for debates. My public forum team, my brother and I, got ninth, which I'm really excited about. I didn't think that we'd even place in the top ten, so that was a real joy. I was tired and lacking spirit, though. I had no gusto at all while I was speaking, which probably didn't help us.

Watch out, she's a bit of a klepto.

Although I love debate, I can't say that's exactly how I like to spend the entire Saturday of my fall "break." Furthermore, this Saturday is another debate. The topic is whether or not America should adopt the French health care system, I think is a really boring and lame subject, especially compared to nuclear energy, our October resolution. Anyway, last Saturday, I was ready to go home after round two. Had it not been for coffee and walking around the upstairs before the competition started, I would've been dead tired. Our experience with the doorstop was priceless - definitely a sweet nibbletz moment.

Since 19__, we have erected __ nuclear facilities.

I heard a great story from one of our Congressional... people (COUGHhomosCOUGH). During a debate about whether or not naturalized citizens should be allowed to become president, a competitor said that because Jesus died for all of our sins, everyone had the right to become president. Obviously, he didn't win. Ha, ha... I think he might have been a little bit desperate.

Save the environment; mate with manatees.

I am still super-psyched for "Underworld." Ah!!! The demo comes out tomorrow on "Tomb Raider Chronicles," and I'm really pumped. It should be very amazing. =)

I have to get a Hannah Montana costume tomorrow, too. I'll be sad if I don't get one. =(

I went home early today, because I had a splitting migraine. I was only going to miss IED and Spanish. In IED, we're doing a project that I'm three days ahead on and in Spanish we're making Justo posters, so I wasn't exactly going to miss much at all.

1 comment:

jsonri said...

Sorry, you might've been a little confused about the date on this last post. This site allows me to start posts anytime, and then save them to continue editting. Well, when I do that and finally post it, it records it as posted on the day that I started it. So this last one I began Monday, but I actually posted it on Thursay.