Thursday, October 25, 2007


Well we had a half-day today at school.  It was really pointless.  We our two RAT periods and then watched a dumb movie (it was so bad, I've already forgotten the name of it!), though no one watched, just goofed off.  I got some reading done in The Romans For Dummies.  The teachers really just wanted to prepare for conferences this afternoon, and wanted to be done with us for the week.  They didn't really care that we didn't pay attention, because it was so cheesy that even Clink couldn't stand it!

I'm going to go see the "Elizabeth" movie with Picket's Army this afternoon!  That'll be fun!  I've been waiting forever to see this movie!  =)

I'm working at the Black Forest tonight too, and that's (almost) always fun!

I have no homework on an extended weekend, so I'm pretty dandy right now!

By the way, Hazel says, "Hi!" -


Anonymous said...

Oh, and I forgot to mention yesterday that it was United Nations Day...

"Celebrate the uselessness!"....

Anonymous said...

yayy im so excited for the longg weekend
i have some hmwk & projects but its not too bad
im just glad we have such a long time off! =]

Anonymous said...

I too thought that the half day was REALLY pointless. Not even just kind of pointless, but REAAAAALLLLLLYYYYYY pointless. I think that the movie was called Echoes of the Forest or something. It was a REALLY hippie movie at the very beginning, and it only got even more stupid, unfortunately.

Anonymous said... was REALLY pointless aside from the awards....that was nice.....=)

Anonymous said...

Agreed!  The awards are always fun!  =)

That movie was definitely hippie!  It wasn't entertaining and was historically inaccurate, so it's dumb both ways!  What was the point of it anyway then?  (Answer: Busy work so the teachers didn't have to watch us and they could prepare for conferences)

Anonymous said...

I hate award ceremonies! you have to get up in front of evrybody constantly.

Anonymous said...

I think they're fun!  Our group of friends gets almost all the awards, though, so we have to see the same people all the time.  Oh, well!  Yay for us!  =)

Anonymous said...

haha yeah awards are boring, im gonna hafta say.
yeah its nice getting awards but the up-down constantly is boring.
but thats just me.. haha

Anonymous said...

The up-down thing's annoying, it's kind of like, "Why don't you just let my friends and I stay up here and get on with it!"  =)