Indianapolis was great yesterday! I was very pleased with how it went; 4-0, and the competition was
a lot tougher than Munster. My first round we were aff second. In the second round we were con second, in the third, con second, and in the fourth, aff second. Ha, ha... going second rocks, but I really hate aff. That's OK, though, because I can advocate.

The first round was fairly tame. It was our first time ever debating aff, so we had a few stumbles, but we pulled through in the cross fires and by means of a strong first constructive and final focus.
I couldn't help but cracking up in the second round. Every time before we talk, we have to ask, "Judge ready?" and "Opponents ready?" Well, when I asked the latter, the Asian I was deposing had a lisp, "Yessssss (clicks)." I tried to restrain myself from totally cracking up.
The third round was probably the most colorful. They must've had some sort of debate death wish or something. Besides calling me unpatriotic (what the heck, personal attack, much), the guy I was against in cross fire said, "I don't need proof," "Statistics don't mean anything," and "When it comes down to it, we have to put our faith in America's troops." For some reason, he wanted to talk about the war in Iraq, even though the debate was about nuclear energy. I would've felt bad for him if he wasn't going after me personally like he was. Since when has it been unpatriotic to be against significantly increasing America's use of nuclear energy anyway? Ha, ha... whatever. Uninformed people are fun to debate. =)
The fourth round was definitely our hardest. We were power matched (meaning we were both 3-0 to eliminate ties) against an Asian and an Arab (a deadly combination in debate). They won the coin flip and chose con, so we were aff second. Besides being aff, they were really good. Once again, though, the cross fires and final focus pulled us through. I delivered the final focus, and I was kind of mad, because they said that we would not be able to discover how to recycle nuclear waste in 10,000 years, which is preposterous. I quote from the last speech, "I also have to object to paranoia and pessimism being submitted as evidence." Ha, ha... a little inflammatory for a debate, but they were getting on my nerves.
So yeah, all in all, it was totally awesome! The bus rides weren't as fun as Munster's, but I think the debates were better. Not to mention, we got four rounds instead of three.

Hey CHS people! Wednesday from 6-8 is "Support Speech and Debate" at Buffalo Wild Wings. I hope to see my peeps there!
Nooooo, David! Stop ittttt! Nooooooo!!!Ha, ha... Spell Bowl is
so amazing.
Ryan's was sweet nibbletz last night! Ha, ha... And we have yet to actually see a movie at Ryan's movie nights. =)