Monday, February 25, 2008

(Almost) No Homework!!!

I was so happy!  I barely had any homework tonight, which is the first time in weeks.  All I had was to read Chapter 10 for Green.  I couldn't go to Tae Kwon Do, becuase my mom can't drive with her retina-tear recovery.  Jon can't drive because he had a lot of homework, and my dad was busy in the shop.

I've decided to make my posts more colorful, too!  =)

BL Quote:

Donny Crane: We're talking about emotions of the heart.

Denny: Objection.  Sounds like a girly man.

Donny Crane: [angrily] Move to strike!

Denny: That's better.

Smart Tips of the Day

Smart Tip #1: Don't mistakenly rest your feet on your desk when there's a bowl of hot sauce on it.

Smart Tip #2: If you fail in performing "Smart Tip #1", don't move your drenched jeans onto your socks and soak them, too.

...with a pleasurable visual!



As a bonus for those who are checking the site, here are the poetry terms you'll need to know for the test over them tomorrow:

~ Consonance

~ Onomatopoeia

~ Assonance (pronounced ass-nens according to Encarta) =]

~ Metaphor

~ Paradox

~ Concrete Poetry

~ Metonymy

~ Approximate Rhyme

~ Alliteration

~ Irony

~ Escapism

~ Oxymoron

~ Free Verse

~ Simile

~ Feminine Rhyme

~ Fatalism

~ Allusion

~ Internal Rhyme

~ Personification

~ Masculine Rhyme

~ Romanticism

~ Romance

~ Iambic Pentameter

And don't forget about the four quizzes over "O Captain! My Captain!", "Song of Myself", "Shiloh: A Requiem", and "The March to Virginia".  If we don't have school tomorrow, we'll have all this great stuff AND the review.  We need to stay on schedule, so we don't have extra days as there's been almost every other year under a certain maestra del inglés!


Anonymous said...

i appreciate that you put feminine rhyme above masculine rhyme.
;D it makes me feel like all of my long speaches are worthwhile. hahah.

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... actually on the test masculine rhyme is above feminine.  I just reversed the order when I posted it!  =P