Saturday, February 9, 2008

Drama Selection

Congratulations to the cast and crew of the drama!

On the other hand, though, I have to admit I completely despise how Mr. Teeple chooses the actors.  According to him those who've already had their chance to shine need to let others who haven't.  In my opinion, the best actor should get the lead role.  Otherwise a random person with no particular theatrical talent such as myself could get a part while a very abled person didn't after they'd spent years working their way up through the ranks of the plays.

This philosophy of choosing the cast isn't at all like life.  In the real world, no one is going to the stop the best from taking the spotlight.

Not to mention that this style is really disrespectful to the people who have worked really hard for all those years at school to make their way up to the top honestly.  It just ticks me off to see a dramatic amateur with no passion for acting get a better part than someone's who's been faithful to the department for a long time.

But whatever, congrats all the same to the people who've been part of the productions for years (either cast or crew).  Kudos to those skillful people who didn't make it because a Liberal moron believes that the less talented should get more attention than the successful.  Everyone knows who you are and that you deserve better for your labors!


Anonymous said...

I know. It makes absolutely no sense at all for him to pick the ones that have not had the chance. It has almost always been the same people for every play, and NOW he decides to change it,, when some of the people are in 8th grade and have, if you will, "Bopped to the Top" to be able to get some parts. I actually think that it is absolutely RIDICULOUS that some of the 8th graders didn't even get a part... well, aside from She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named (Not you emerald!)

This is why i am very glad that i did not try out for the ridiculous play that just got alot more ridiculous. Lets all pray that Billy, Marina, Danielle, and others can all save this play from being a complete disaster, and teach certain people how this system really works.

Anonymous said...

It better not be me! JK Michael...

Yeah, I don't understand why he did that because:

1. He never did this before.  In 6th grade the exact same people got the main parts in both plays!

2. Like you said, why should someone with no passion get a part and some one who's dedicated half of their life to drama not get a part because they got a part in the last play. D:<

3. Again like you said, no one does this in the real world.  The person who has talent WILL get all the main parts. That's just the way it is.  And the reason is because they have talent!  IT'S AMAZING HOW THAT WORKS!

Well, I guess I can focus on AS this year. Maybe I'll actually make the team this year because I'm not caught up in the play.  I guess every cloud really does have a silver lining! =]

Anonymous said...

Ya, I just couldn't believe it.  His policy is so stupid.  The best actor gets the most important role!  It's like, "Duh, what's not to get there?"  It can't exactly get much simpler than that, so I really don't see where he's coming from.

I can't stand how our school's administration's opinion on the "real world" is so disjointed.  They say they are preparing us for the future, but at the same time they are obviously terribly confused in drama right now.  I accept that the school's philosophy and mine are very different, but everything would be so much simpler if they could at least just agree on one view.  Not to mention it generally makes them look like hypocrites.