Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Obama Leads

In the news, Obama is beating Clinton 2:1 among Democrats and Democratic-leaning Independents.  Among Democrats, Obama has charged into a double-digit lead over Clinton, 51%/39%.  This is the first time he's topped 50%!  Looks like America's safe for now from another Clintonian catastrophe.

But now the question has come up whether or not Obama is "qualified" to be president.  Just look at him compared to Hillary; he's never supported a war, and then changed his policies about it to help his campaign.  How about compared to Bush (Jr.)?  Obama wasn't head cheerleader at his high school, so how on earth could he ever be qualified for the presidency?

I was happy to read that electability trumped being qualified for becoming an American president.  Obama really does have a lot of insight into the lesser-known sides of the United States, though.  He lived among the Chicago slumlords for years (doesn't that make him Republican?) and has a thorough knowledge of Islam.  I never realized how we could go to war with something without understanding it.  How do we intend to fight radical Muslims if we don't know what they're about?  That's just stupid.

Denny on the Presidential Candidates and Their Policies

Denny: I might vote for him, you know.

Alan: [surprised] Obama?

Denny: Anybody in America can grow up to be president, that's what I say.  Except for Hillary!  She wins, I puke.

Alan: Barack Obama?

Denny: Handsome, great photo op.  I don't know what he stands for... He'd be a perfect president!  Speaks perfect "white" as well as "black".  Never heard me say that.

Alan: What about McCain?

Denny: He speaks "Bush" now.  Can't win.

Alan: Obama's against the war now, you know.

Denny: So am I.  [Alan looks questioningly] Don't worry.  I'm ready for a new war.  Time to blow up Iran.  And we gotta get Amina... douchebag.  And that nut job in North Korea.  They both gotta go.  And not because they're not white!  You can't please everybody.  Better to just...

Alan: Blow them up.

Denny: Exactly.  And not because they're not white.


Anonymous said...

i really do like huckabee though, to clarify. its not just bc of his name. haha

Anonymous said...

im so happy obama is winning.
itd be ironic too.. obama as president. obama, osama. haha
i still want huckabee to win though. president huckabee. has a nice ring to it, doesnt it? hahah

Anonymous said...

President Huckabee makes him sound like a redneck, but whatever, he probably is a redneck.  Who cares anyway?  We've elected people who thought trees were the main cause of pollution (Reagan), illiterate head cheerleaders, and a perverted, lesbian-lover.  I have to note that in all fairness, some lesbians are very attractive, just not her (sorry, Hillary!).

Anonymous said...

NO!!!! Hillary can still pull it out, and I know she will. =/ joking....btw i REALLY don't like Hillary, because she is going to totally send this country down the tubes..... all Democrats will do that (including McCain). Huckabee seems to be the only REASONABLE choice for the Republican side. BTW, I have signed up for Hilary Clinton's campaign newsletter via email, and when she asks for help she gets it! I swear, they asked people to contribute to catch up to Obama's advertising fund, and they raised 1.9 MILLION DOLLARS overnight!!!! OVERNIGHT PEOPLE!! Anyways, if you would like to sign up for it for some serious laughs, go to HillaryClinton.com\

Anonymous said...

AH!  I can't stand Hillary, or her little "Republican" puppet, better known as McCain.  He's just a combination of the worst aspects of Bush and Hillary.  I hate him so much.

And there is nooooo way I'm signing up for that newsletter........

Anonymous said...

I was considering personally funding a radio commercial, only I've heard it might be a little too short.  I was wondering what everyone's opinion on its length was.  It would go something like this -

"This is a public service announcement: Don't vote for Clinton; she is retarded."

I like it how it is myself - short and to the point, but some say it's just cutting it too much.

Anonymous said...

gah i vote huckabee.
kthnx :]

Anonymous said...

I don't like any of the candidates, but if I were voting, it would be for Huckabee.  Power to the rednecks!  (and not Hillary!)