I found a picture of Orlando (Shoetopia Citizen's favorite) and one of his Australian, Buddhist, caterpillar-eyebrowed, Victoria's Secret model girlfriend (AKA Miranda Kerr). According to Shoetopia Citizen, the only they have in common is Buddhism. How pathetic! I think their names have a nice ring together, too - "Orlando and Miranda". Though having eyebrows in common would make so much more sense!
See the BL Quote for Denny's perspective on religion. He doesn't have any philosophies on eyebrows. Sorry Shoetopia Citizen!
BL Quote -
Denny: You hear the one about the fella who died? Went to the Pearly Gates and St. Peter let him in. Sees a guy in a suit making a closing arguement and syas, "Who's that?" St. Peter says, "Ooohh, that's God. Thinks he's Denny Crane!"
Don't forget about the Poetry Final on Tuesday! I haven't made it yet, but I will this weekend. I do know that it'll be worth 174 points (3/4 of the Poetry Unit and 9/40 of your total Literature grade)! Don't come unprepared; I'd reread the poems, biographies, and notes (including vocab).
Here are the current percentages (by initials):
Average - 85.66%
MG - 96.49%
OH - 78.60%
LJ - 71.23%
KL - 95.09%
MeM - 96.84% (watch out; only leading by 1 point!)
MaM - 78.60
AM - 82.77
awwww thanks for making this page!
haha i didnt think you'd actually do it.
anyways now everyone can see her ugly eyebrows now. haha
and i love the bl quote. ;]
Of course I was going to! The world must know the truth about her eyebrows!!! :]
That BL quote is one of my favorites, too!
that's a good picture of him. also, woohoo! i'm not totally failing nemore!(bas)
FYI: If you get 100% on the Poetry Final, you'll have a 98.04%.
ohhh boy he's fine :]
Not to mention delicious. Ha, ha. =)
haha like campbell's soup you know
mm mm goodd :]
he is!!!!
and i will personally make sure that they break up. soon.
which isn't two hard since shes mad at him.
but maybe she'll remember the time she made out in a coffee shop with him and get over it. rawr.
she will give him up though.
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