The speaker today was way too loud in my opinion. He could be funny sometimes, but I think if people should be self-motivated. If you have to rely on someone else to prompt you, that's pretty pathetic. I thought the school could've put the money to better use. I was talking with one of the other teachers about him, and they said he was expensive as speakers go.
I'm not sure I agreed with the things he said either. People's opinions about you definately matter. He can't honestly say they don't in something like a job application. Not caring about others' opinions isn't the only way to be happy, either. Some people are happy by being successful, myself included. So anywho, this is my outlook on business and success -
Denny: Not everything is about money, Shirley. Sometimes sex counts, too. It used to count with you. One minute you couldn't get enough of me, the next you lose interest. What happened Shirley? I need to know.
Shirley: They invented color television.
Denny: You and me. In my office. Gimme two minutes.
Shirley: If you could last three I might consider it.
wherever you are check your email right now!!!!!
there is urgent news there and you might die if you don't know about it!!!!
actually it's probably not that recent, but there was a news artical that i found from today concerning it!!!!!
plus since i know you're a visual person, i put it in lovely powerpoint form for your viewing pleasure. ;]
Ha, ha... I saw it. Thank you so much for the visuals; they were very pleasurable. Ha, ha! =)
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