Monday, February 4, 2008

Stealing Cookies

In my AOL News I read an article about a cookie-theft in Florida.  Girl Scouts were posted at a table outside a grocery and accompanied by an adult when a teenage female came up to the stand and began talking to the scouts.  Mid speech, the teen quickly grabbed an envelope containing $150 of cookie money and jumped into a car a cohort had pulled up in.  According to the article:

"...the two miscreants apparently did it for the money. "We went through all that effort to get it, we got all these charges and we had to give the money back. I'm kind of pissed," said one. The other one said she wasn't sorry, just angry that they got caught. Luckily, however, they did get caught and will hopefully face some stiff punishment."

I love that.  She's mad that she had to work to steal it and then got caught!  Wow, what crazy people.  However, I wouldn't say no to borrowing a few Caramel Delights!  Addicted, much!  =)


I'm bringing my Lara Croft movies, so I can initiate Ardvark.  This is going to be awesome!  =)


Anonymous said...

Oh, and I'm sure everyone is totally ready for that Lit. test tomorrow!  The short story final is 3/4 of your short story unit grade, which is 3/10 of your total grade.  That makes this test 9/40 ~ 1/4 of your ending grade!

If you studied the things I told you to and paid attention to your notes, you'll be OK!  Remember my brother, without reading like any of the material, got an 88%!

No pressure!  =)

Anonymous said...

haha what crazy chicas, stealing money from girls scouts.
and uh, YMCA is on saturday night..?

Anonymous said...

Are you sure?  The calendar has it from Friday-Saturday.  Did it change?

Anonymous said...

uh yeah my dad said it's on saturday.
tony confirmed that.
i think it got changed bc people are taking the ACT on saturday morning.

Anonymous said...

Oh, OK!  That makes sense.  Thanks!

Anonymous said...

haha no problemoo

Anonymous said...

just wanted to add that i'm incrediblyyy excited about the Y too :]
you knowww.