Monday, April 28, 2008

State Results Are In!

The state result for the Junior Academic Super Bowl Competition:

~ Science ... 28th

~ Social Studies ... 2nd

~ Math ... 4th

~ Engish ... 4th

~ Interdisciplinary ... 2nd

Great work everyone!  If only we could have pulled out a few more points, we could've gotten some state champs!  Oh, well... we'll get them in high school!  =)

BL Quote

Shirley: Your Honor, Mr. Tiggs has a history of ruing women's lives.  There's one out there right now.  It's going to take her years to get over this.

Ivan: No, she'll get over me.  She's like a goldfish.  She has a three-second memory.

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Sunday, April 27, 2008


Today was so nice without any worries about ASB and whatnot.  I didn't have to be awake at 6:30, and find the volume of a sphere (4/3 x Pi x radius cubed) or determine who was the least traditional poet from the Civil War era (Walt Whitman).  It was such a relief!  I won't have to take my Hillary binder to school anymore, either!  That thing took up the whole bottom shelf of my locker, so I had to carry a Tigulis Unit (butt-ton) of books everywhere.

***I just remembered that I need to wear my ASB shirt tomorrow.***

Well, in another way I already miss ASB.  It took a lot of long hours and hard work, but it was so much fun, too.  The way people talk about Academic Super Bowl at the high school is really depressing.  From what I hear, it's a lot more fun at MCMS.  I guess I can't believe it's over.  It couldn't have possibly ended on a better note, however I feel like I need to sit down at the competition table again or raise my hand after another correct question.

Anywho, life goes on, and I can't wait for Spell Bowl next year!  That's going to be amazing!  =)

Math Team -

(BAFISG, person-whose-screen-name-I-do-not-know, Wizkid, Soupcan, JSOnri)

The completely awesome and totally amazing Literature Team -

(JSOnri, Shoetopia Citizen, Turtles, Groblette, person-whose-hair-looks-amazing-curled)

Interdisciplinary Team -

(Pandaguy, Turtles, JSOnri, Soupcan)

Sorry I don't have pictures for Social Studies or Science, after all they are unimportant....................... just kidding.......................

Oh, and I have to compliment Norbert's Mother on the bonfire last night!  That was really fun, but I wish I could've done the zip line, though.  Ah, well... I'll do it next time!

BL Quote

Denny: With all that's going on in the world these days, who among us hasn't wanted to take an axe to a priest?

I almost forgot - if you didn't already realize, my new Internet allows me to load more than one picture per entry for the posts!  Yay!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Last BAS Entry


Class results from the ASB competition today:

~ Science - 3rd

~ Social Studies - 1st

~ Math - 1st

~ Literature - 1st

~ Interdisciplinary - 1st

According to Clink, we won Conference, too!  We totally kicked butt.  She thinks this may have been the best year yet!  I can't wait for the pizza party and the state results, which should arrive Tuesday.

I don't know how Summit beat us all those years, because we killed them all three years I've been at MCMS.  Ah!  I'm so happy!

And congrats to everyone in the "Taming the Wild, Wild West... in a Dress", too!  I have to admit, I had my doubts about how good it would be.  I originally went only to support the drama people, but then it ended up being awesome!  The play was very punny.  Good job, guys/gals/its!  Ha, ha... and nice party afterwards as well!

Oh, and if you didn't catch the title, the ASB/ABS/SAB/BAS sections are over... sniffle, sniffle... it's been fun!  I hope to see all the 6th/7th graders next year if I carry out my plans to come back and coach Literature!

BL Quote

Claire: Okay, before we start, I want it on the record that I am very uncomfortable deposing a dwarf.

Bethany: What's that supposed to mean?

Claire: It means I'm uncomfortable.  I don't need any victims rights groups picketing outside my condo.  Not to mention the fact you obviously have deep, psychological issues to accept any date with a seventy-two-year-old man.  Let alone...

[stares at Denny]

Claire: ... him.

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Friday, April 25, 2008

AA (Advisor, Advisee)

AA was kind of dumb today.  Do the teachers really expect a county music video to stop bullying, which doesn't really seem exactly rampant at MCMS anyway.  I think it was waste of a club period, but whatever.

Ah!  I'm still dying to compete tomorrow!  State champs... all the way... =) ... W00T! (with zeroes!)

BL Quote

Alan: Admit it, Shirley.  You're drawn to me like Eve to the Serpent.  Take me home and help me stretch my coil.

Shirley: Has that line actually worked?

Alan: It's working now.

¡Katie Lloyd! -



Thursday, April 24, 2008


Ooo!  I can't wait for Saturday!  It's going to be crazy...

This weekend should be good, too.  This is the first weekend in ages to which I'm not totally obligated.  I'm a little bit "camped-out."  All I have is the competition and Norbert's Mother's thingy in the evening.



Oh, and the biggest news I've heard since Emma's been single: "Boston Legal" is being moved to Wednesdays!  (I think) That'll work out better with my schedule, so I'm pretty happy.

BL Quote

Judge Resnick: I've had enough of all this, Mr. Crane.  You've had no excuse to be carrying a gun.

Denny: Second Amendment.  Founding Fathers.  You probably knew them.


Ah!  Study, study, study!!!  The competition is looming, and we are going to kick boot-é!  Right?!

Our LAST review session is tomorrow morning!  Please, please, please come if you can!  We'll be reviewing anything and everything.  I hope to see you then!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

¡Emma Watson!

Yay!  I found an awesome website for Emma Watson wallpapers!  I added it to my favorite links.  Here are a few of my favorite pics (I like a lot of them):

My current desktop -


Oh, and even better news!  She's on the market!  Yay, so she's officially my fifth spouse!  Yay!

BL Quote

[Jerry is writing a letter to Lee, his ex-girlfriend, who has just broken up with him for an iPhone]

Jerry: Would you like to hear it?

Katie: Of course.

Jerry: 'Dear Lee: Go to Hell.  Sincerely, Jerry.'

Katie: A tad short.


Sorry, I would've posted yesterday, but due to the weird humidity, our wireless network was down.  That means I had no internet access.  So anywho, I wanted to say how pround I was of how well everyone did during the mock meet!  Yay!

Tomorrow will be quality time with Clink.  Don't ask what she has planned.  I have no idea.  Neither I nor anyone else ever does.

COMPETITION SATURDAY!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!  W00T (with zeroes)!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Hypocritical Teachers Stink

More than ever, a certain teacher is being dumb.  Here is a favorite quote from The Cello/Crazy Elephant:

~ "Do you really think anyone truly tries their best?"

That was after telling me I was a negative leader.  Ha, ha... I find him amusing, especially how he always says that grades on how much an individual gets done compared to their ability.  He loves to encourage us to do what he says, not as he does, considering that he included himself in the previous statement.

One of his most recent pastimes is sharing with Soupcan and I what (he thinks) I'm thinking.  He had us take a look at one of the projects on the board of a Guitar Hero guitar recreated on Pro-E.  Then he said, "Hirschy is thinking this guy must be lifeless if he has that much free time."  He then admitted how it's probably true (about the guy having no life), which is odd considering that whenever he does business with my dad, he loves to stick around long after his appointments are over so he can chit-chat aimlessly.  Whatever...

When Dad was a teacher at Snyder and Northrop, he loved the kids.  He hated bad, hypocritical teachers, which they were more often than not.  The head of the department of finances was over her head in debt.  There was a janitor who would steal lunches from the lounge.  It was my dad's job to start the coffee pot in the morning, and then empty the bowl of quarters at the end of the day.  They had an honor system, where each cup was a quarter.  Of course, tons would steal.  Eventually the school had a machine installed where hot water was dispensed when you put a quarter in it.  Then you mixed in some instant coffee yourself.  But some teachers figured out you could hold the pressure button in at the back of the dispenser, so more than one person could get enough hot water out of each quarter.  It was pretty pathetic.  He tells a bunch of other stores, but I'm not going to get into those now.

I guess the point is, I'm getting really tired this particular hypocrite.

BL Quote

[After Denny had sex on the desk in his office without dropping the blinds on the windows into reception]

Shirley: This is unprofessional, Denny.  You are setting a very bad example for the rest of the firm.

Denny: Understood.  And from now on, those blinds go down before anybody else does.


The mock competition is tomorrow, pretty please come if you can!  It should be fun!  Six days until the competition!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

More Rain...

Ah, sorry it's been so long since I've posted.  I was really tied up this last part of the week.

I backpacked twelve miles on Saturday in some on/off rain.  It was pretty dreary.  But luckily, I had my iPod ear buds funneled up my jacket.  That made it a bit more interesting at least.

I figured from some of my previous posts on hiking/camping that it might appear I don't like backpacking, but that's not true at all.  I didn't word former ones very well.  I love backpacking in places other than Indiana.  I cannot wait until I go to New Mexico, but the Fort Fun scenery gets boring quickly.

Due to movie night on Friday, I got to skip camping that night.  Frog beats Pandaguy with a shoe -

I skipped Saturday night, too, because I had some homework to start.  Plus there wasn't much of a point in me staying; there were already plenty of older scouts there.  Not to mention I heard rumors of CHOP'S for dinner.  Te he... my favorite restaurant.  I ♥ Chuck.  He must be the most amazing manager in Fort Wayne.  Ha, ha... poor Cork and Clever... =P

(Many) BL Quotes


Alan: Hello.

Claire: I know who you are.  You're a little horny toad.  Horny toads give me warts.  Hop away, horny toad.


Alan: Shirley, as lovely as the new case you sent me is and she is delightful.  I just had Jerry Espenson last week.  I need a break from this sort of thing.

Shirley: I'll get the new girl to help; she knows employment law.

Alan: You can't just assign me cases and girls... girls, maybe.


Clarence: [as Clarice] Anyway, I finally thought, 'Why not adopt?' Go overseas, get me one of those Chinese babies.  You know, like Angelina Jolie.  She did it, why not me?


Denise: [to Shirley about Jeffrey] Excuse me, but did you say this man is a partner?

Jeffrey: She did.  I could be your partner.


Claire: Who do we complain to here?  The old people?

[Paul and Shirley get wide-eyed]


Tuesday is the mock competition!  I don't think there's any need to do any studying beyond what you're probably doing already.  I can't wait for the real-deal on Saturday!  It's less than a week away!  Study hard, and come to the morning review sessions if you can.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

ASB Stuff

I can't believe the ASB competition is next Saturday!  Ah!  I feel like I have so much mroe to learn prior!

I'm going to work on getting that link to a particular forum to run correctly, too.  It's quite impressive...

Sorry I don't have too much to say today.  This entry is mostly for the my Literature peeps.

BL Quote

Melissa: How's my hair?  Does my hair work?

Alan: It does appear to grow each month.


Whew!  Good job, guys!  The last of your grades have been inputted!  The final grades are as follows:

~ MG ... 87.58%

~ OH ... 72.32%

~ LJ ... 74.77%

~ KL ... 92.24%

~ MeM ... 97.41%

~ MaM ... 83.18%

~ AM ... 83.44%

Thanks for the hard work (generally :])!  Your average was 84.42%!  That's awesome!  ¡Que chevere!

This is how it's going to roll from here on out.  Tomorrow morning after our review session (please come if able!), I give "The Binder" to Clink.  In it, she'll see all your grade totals, as well as a detailed gradekeeper for each unit (Short Story, Poetry, etc.).  She will also see all the tests on which we worked so hard.  Your grades with me, the final with her, and your team recommendations will all be the main deciding factors.  Attendance may also come into play.  No one ever knows with Clink.

For a full list of what will happen from now on, please refer to the April Schedule.  (You know, the one where I couldn't count to "4"?)

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Monday, April 14, 2008

All the Right People Love David (A MUST-READ)

One of my associates passed this fascinating website onto me!  It truly made my day.  In it you can read the most fabulous things about me and the other "punks".  Here are a few of my favorites, along with my personalized responses to each:

~ "...but I don't do things the right do you know this guy so we can go kick his lil ass???"

I love having my (insert word of choice meaning buttocks) kicked.  That's why I do Tae Kwon Do.  Ha, ha... but on the other hand, scratch that last actually, because I've never lost a tournament sparring match.  Well, anywho, I've never had to defend myself against foam weapons either.  I'm quite afraid.  And for the record, thanks for the compliment on my waist size.  I suppose having my "lil ass" kicked is better, or somehow different, than having my "big ass" kicked... or is that not what you mean?

~ "...I'm rather pissed off...but idiots always piss me off, so that's really a moot point. Ah well, as they say : Judge not, lest ye be judged yourself. So, anyone know any of their hobbies so we can make some idiotic comments about them?"

To lessen the effort you'd have to exert in searching for my hobbies, which I'm sure must be somewhere near the effort spent in hitting someone with a stick (psssttt... it says in the column on the right), they include Boy Scouts, Tae Kwon Do, Academic Super Bowl (Lit. and Math), Spell Bowl, hanging out with friends, high adventure backpacking, badminton, reading, and swimming.  And also, you're perfectly welcome to write anything you'd like about those.  I would ask, though, that you refrain from commenting on Shirley Schmidt.  She is the only one who has immunity here.  Sorry for any inconvenience I've caused!

~ "People are entitled to their opinions, but I'm not sure why he states that "men aren't supposed to wear dresses." F* the norm.  As soon as I make a this little aol screen-name thinger, I'm retaliating."

Ha, ha... well, I thought we were done with this topic, but sure.  I'm game!  I don't think men are supposed to wear dresses, because I have a touch of homophobia.  Statistics show that what is generally defined as cross-dressing is has a direct correlation to homosexuality.  So, anyway, it's just me.  The world is welcome to go on resisting the peer pressure not to where messes (man+dresses).  Oh, and I can't wait to see your retaliation.  Good thing we are not immature here... ha, ha...

~ "the weird part is, this guy loves history, but he doesn't think men should wear kilts/skirts. BUT if you look back at most ancient civilizations, which one DIDN'T wear togas/kilts/skirts/kamonos? "

This one may be a bit obvious, but it seems like a well-needed wake-up call.  He's correct in saying most ancient civilizations did wear the above stated, but last time I checked, America's not an ancient civilization, unless you're talking Native Americans, which I could understand.  All the same, the modern descendents of the stereotyped "Indian" don't dress that way except for a very few particular, and very uncommon, ceremonies.  Oh, and I almost forgot, I believe "kamonos" is spelled "kimonos", but that's besides the point.  Spelling never separated ancient and modern civilizations.  Anyway, I commend this person for refraining from threats (however, I must admit, those were what got me to laugh the most), and even trying to defend me from them.  It was very noble..... (cue Oprah's "emotional moment" elevator music)

~ "The real question is why do we even care what he thinks? There are 2.4 million blogs on the internet all based on what the author of the blog thinks. Personal opinion w/o any hold of truth, gurth, or substance. "

THANK GOD SOMEONE GETS WHAT I'VE SAID... AND SAID... AND SAID.  Honestly that is a bewildering question.  Why do you even care what I think?  Do whatever floats your boat!  Who has the insecurity issues?  Jeez... he hit the nail on the head when he said THIS BLOG IS MY PERSONAL OPINION.  Ha, ha... enough said, I think.  I like this guy........ but not in the "I'm a guy who wears dresses" kind of way.  Ha, ha... anywho, since I picked on the other guy about "kimonos", "gurth" is "girth".  i wasnt evn gonna strt on the ppl who use internet lingo 2 comment (How tacky...)

~ "Heh. You haven't spent nearly enough time around me man. That was just me pointing out that he should think twice about things before making assumptions based on someone's style of dress.  A threat would have been more along the lines of your typical high school BS, "Shut your f***ing mouth before I beat the piss out of you." That's a threat. Just thought I'd clear that up for ya."

First off, I'd like to say that I haven't spent any time around you, and I've already had enough.  So anyway, I think this person would be surprised what can pass as a "threat" in the sue-happy world of America.  Not that I'd ever resort to anything like that, because that would just be encouraging the Liberals to keep doing it.  It's just a thought!

Well that's it for my favorites!  If you're interested in reading more lovely things about me, and seeing stuff that proves the points previously stated, please visit this website:

In Betweenness

Bah, too much homework today.  I'm so tired of it.  I don't mind school that much, just homework, especially Algebra.  Graphing is retarded.  Oh, and he said our favorite phrase today with the hand motion!  I was psyched about that.  Ha, ha... =)

Also, I think I set a new record for adopting something of my mom's that I convinced her she wanted.  She went out and bought two more Nanos today (one for her and one for my brother).  Ha, ha... I hadn't even been "borrowing" it for a whole day!  It's crazy.

But what's even crazier was science today!  I was upset after lunch.  I didn't get to finish my coffee, so I just took it to science and finished it with Courtney.  Mr. Magnuson didn't care.  Ha, ha... oh, well, whatever!  Like... ummm... such as.... the Iraq and other Asian coutries...

BL Quote

Shirley: White roses, gold leaf cake, Bev's boobs swimming out of her wedding dress...

Brad: Who said money can't buy tastelessness?

Alan: I think Bev and Denny did a lovely job.

Paul: Eleven marriages between the two of them... they've had plenty of practice.

Also, if you get the chance, flip to "Shirley Schmidt" on Wiki.  I'm listed there on the table as a spouse of hers.  =)


The Novel Final is tomorrow; it's probably you're last grade with me.  Study!  Mrs. Clink might be giving her little test-mabob tomorrow, too.  I decay...

Sunday, April 13, 2008


I'm back from camping at Camp Chief Little Turtle.  It was a Philmont prep outing with the council.  I thought it went really well, except for the stinky weather.  Everyone was really nice!  The last council-sponsored camp I did was with South Bend for the National Jamboree, because all the Anthony Wayne slots were taken.  This time I got a spot with AWAC, though.

We backpacked twelve miles, which wasn't bad.  We had to bypass a lot of flooded parts, though, and I thought we could've moved a little faster.  Plus is was cold and rainy and cold and rainy......... Indiana is such a great place to train for a backpacking trip in New Mexico.  Anywho, we skipped camping Saturday night, because a lot of us had a bunch of homework.  We weren't doing anything but packing up Sunday morning anyway, so the Troop 12 people just cut out.

Here's a Philmont video from YouTube!  I love the burros!

Also, I found out my mom invested in an iPod nano.  I started syncing it before I went out to drag the driveway (again) this morning.  I hopped out for a "bathroom break", and grabbed the nano.  It made it much less boring then.  =)

BL Quote


Alan: What's your specialty?

Dr. Konigsberg: Couples' counseling.  I first saw the client and his wife together.  Since the divorce, I've been working with him alone.

Alan: So they came to you to improve their relationship, and now one wants to kill the other.  Not your best work, was it, doctor?


Judge Brown: Do you know what my mother would call you?  A namby-pamby.  Weak and spineless, bellyaching about some trumped up medical excuse.


Judge Lang: This is highly unusual, Mr. Shore.  Seeking to discipline a judge for imposing a sentence your client agreed to,

Alan: I suspect we'd all agree to a good beating in order to avoid a prison sentence, but Your Honors, we are not in Singapore.


Don't forget about the Novel Final on Tuesday; it's worth 116 points.  This will probably be your last grade with me.  Please come to the morning review session tomorrow if you can!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

AH! Hectic, much!

April..... the busiest month, or at least it is for me.  I left for school today and didn't get home fourteen hours.  My regular day recently is composed of waking up, leaving for school at 6:30, all my extracurricular stuff and then coming home at 8:30 to do homework.  Our English debate couldn't have come at a better time.  I also have weekend-long, Boy Scout camp outs at the end of this week and the next.  After those two is the Academic Super Bowl competition.  Dispersed among all that are Troop Meetings, Patrol Leader Councils, Tae Kwon Do classes, Literature ASB (morning and afternoon), and Math ASB.  It's pretty crazy.  Thank God for coffee.

Fun gummy bears from Europe!  =)

BL Quote

Denny: Denny Crane.

Shirley: That is not a legal defense.


I heard jeopardy went well today!  Sorry, the Math stuff took much longer than I thought it would.  Keep reviewing... you're test is Tuesday, which is probably your last grade with me!  Clink will be administering an overall thing sometime, but it won't reflect on your grade with me.  I have absolutely no information about it.  I don't even know when it'll be or how long it is.  Thanks for your great efforts, please maintain them!  I'm really pleased with the team this year!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Miss Teen South Carolina Spoof

I saw this great YouTube spoof of Miss Teen South Carolina!  Love it!

BL Quote

Alan: There used to be a day when the pandering in our society was reserved for...

Denny: Politicians?

Alan: [laughs] Maybe that's what bothers me.  Hollywood has sunk to the level of Congress.


I thought our review meeting this morning went really well!  I was pretty pleased with it, especially compared to Monday's, which I completely screwed up.  Ha, ha...

Tomorrow will be our jeopardy review over The Red Badge of Courage and the novel literary terms.  Keep studying, and be prepared for ambushes, which are going to start!  For new people, "ambushes" are where I corner you during passing periods with surprise questions to make sure you're studying.  =)

Don't forget to pay attention to your schedule, too!  If you didn't make the change yet, 4-22 will be the Mock Competition instead of what we had previously planned.  Clink will be administering an overall test sometime as well.  Don't ask me when, because I don't know.  Also remember to keep attending morning sessions if you can.  Those are really useful for letting the material from January/February resurface.  The next will be Friday, and we'll be covering "Annabell Lee", "The Raven", and "The Chambered Nautilus".

Kudos to everyone for their hard work (with a few exceptions =P)!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


This is my new desktop!  It's from Mt. Pilatus in Switzerland.  I really like it (well, obviously, ha, ha... I made it my background), but I couldn't put it there before, because my computer got all screwy.  It wouldn't let me change my desktop image, but now I can!  (It would be a lot better without the rail in the way, though!)

If anyone finds any good pictures of Emma Watson, post a link, because I'm going to make her my next desktop.  (My favorite pics of her are from the Yule Ball where she was described by one of my friends as "SMOKIN'!!!")

BL Quote

Phyliss: I need your help.  You always said I could come yo you for anything.

Alan: I meant sexually.


We have a morning review session tomorrow!  Monday's sucked to be quite honest, but I promise this one will be much better!

Keep up the hard work!  We're almost there!

Monday, April 7, 2008


I purchased the "Insomniac" album by Enrique Iglesias, and I love it!  "Dímelo" is one of favorite songs ever!  I don't like the English version as well, though.  It sounds a lot better in Spanish.  I tried putting an "album" on here, but the "Add Album" button inserts photo albums, not music.  That's kind of disappointing.  I thought with satellite that I'd be able to put include some.  Ah... well...

BL Quote

Denny: My God, you're even more striking in person.

Kelly: Who is this man?  And why is his face about to explode?

Alan: Kelly Nolan, this is Denny Crane.  Success has caused his head to swell.

A great clip with Jerry and Shirley... "How 'bout those socks?":


Are you finished reading the Red Badge of Courage and its (extensive) footnotes?  You better be, or else I'll have to be upset with you (and I mean YOU) tomorrow.  Actually you'll be more upset with yourself, because it's worth 39 points for just having read those.  =)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sunday Already...

Gar... I can't believe it's Sunday already, and that I have to go to school tomorrow - blagh.  Literally, though, I've been really sick today.  I've puked three times so far, but it doesn't seem like it's over yet.  I don't know why I have been getting sick so often this year!  It's like I'm ill every other week.  It's pretty annoying, but I did make these delicious lemon crumb muffins this morning.  They're amazing!

"Denny Crane"

BL Quote


Shirley: [looking around the courtroom] The District Attorney's here.

Alan: Scott Bodner.  Politicians are drawn to cameras like flies are drawn to...

Shirley: Politicians.


Shirley: [referring to a case involving shirtless protesting] If I agree to help you, one condition.  I assume during the course of this case breasts will be referred to in many colorful ways.

Alan: One would hope.

Shirley: Personally, however, I don't ever want to hear them refferred to as "hooters".  I hate that word.  Oh, and this is a little off-topic, but I hate the word "underpants", too.

Alan: If I can have your breasts, I promiste not to say "hooters".

Shirley: Thank you, Alan.

Alan: Now as for underpants, if you promise not to wear any...

Shirley: Goodbye Alan.


Garrett: This is my office.

Catherine: Oh, I needed a base of operations for my sandwich cart business.

Garrett: But... I...

Catherine: You're a first year, right?  [Garrett nods "yes"] Well, it goes like this: named partner, senior partner, junior partner, senior associates, sandwich lady, xerox guy, janitor, first years.

(Alan dressed as Shirley)


You should be finishing up reading the novel now.  If you can make it, please come to the review meeting in the morning!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Spending Spring Break

It was really nice outside today!  I went out and read four chapters from The Red Badge of Courage in the woods after canoeing to a cool spot.  It was a little bit chilly; I think it could've been a hair warmer.  I'm just glad it's not snowing anymore, because that really sucked in March.

I'm going to my aunt's this evening, but I was told yesterday that it was going to be in the afternoon.  If I had known it was pushed back later, I would've gone to Frog's surprise party.  Sorry I couldn't make it!  =(

So anyway, here is a funny (or at least I thought it was) Tomb Raider parody I found on YouTube.

"Tomb Raider Legend Barbie Girl"

BL Quote

Alan: There's no doubt in my mind that you could develop into a first-rate criminal defender, Jerry, but my hope is that you don't.  Even at your relatively mature age, you're still innocent.

Jerry: Except when I held a knife to Shirley's throat.


Keep reading!  If you at least read the novel and its footnotes, you get 39 points for the Novel Unit on Tuesday, which is roughly 1/4 of the unit.  The other 3/4 is the test.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Life Sucks, Play Dagorhir

Here is a fascinating YouTube video.  Alwaysbored will find it particularly interesting (although she's probably seen it already).  I think the title really says it all.

"Life Sucks, Play Dagorhir"

I'm curious, because this is supposed to be "promotional" according to the description on YouTube.  I want to know whether anyone would honestly consider doing something like Dagorhir after seeing this.  To relieve any bias, however, high school dropouts and men who wear dresses (they claim that they're "kilts", but we all know the real truth there) aren't allowed to answer the poll.

BL Quote

Alan: One last proposal that's entirely possible.  I'm kidding, by the way, depending upon your reaction - $300,000 sealed, we kick back fifty to you under the table.

Attorney: Mr. Shore, I guarantee you I am not that kind of attorney.

Alan: Really?  Gosh, I am.

Attorney: I should report you directly to the BAR, if not the district attorney.

Alan: Well, if that's how you feel, then I was kidding.


Keep reading!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Yay!  My computer is coming back Thursday at the earliest.  It's all done, he's just checking all the program's to make sure it's working correctly.  From what he says, it's actually working faster than it did when it was new.  I can get it hooked up to our wireless router, too, so then all three computers will have satellite internet.

I'm still not over how useful You Tube is!  I don't have Showtime, but I can watch all of the season 2 "Tudors" episodes there instead.  I also watched the "How To Be..." series.  Ha, ha... that's hilarious.  I saw "Potter Puppet Pals and the Deathly Outtakes", too!  I loved it!

I played four games of Scrabble today with brother, mom, and aunt.  I won one, and my brother won the other three.  I wasn't really focusing, but it was still fun.  We had those really good take-and-bake pizzas from Papa Murphy's I think.  Those are the best pizzas ever!

"How To Be Ninja" (I'm trying to embed a video for the first time!  I couldn't do it on dial-up.)

BL Quote


Denny: A man died during angioplasty, leaving him dead.  Tragic.


Denny: Sally, that was not a pleasant meeting.  Typically when associates are unhappy, I give them a hug.

Sally: I don't want a hug, Mr. Crane.

Denny: Okay... may I have one?


Keep reading the novel and its footnotes!!!  Those are due a week from today!  Don't forget about our first morning review on 4-7 either!  Please come if you can; it'll be incredibly useful.