Tuesday, April 15, 2008

ASB Stuff

I can't believe the ASB competition is next Saturday!  Ah!  I feel like I have so much mroe to learn prior!

I'm going to work on getting that link to a particular forum to run correctly, too.  It's quite impressive...

Sorry I don't have too much to say today.  This entry is mostly for the my Literature peeps.

BL Quote

Melissa: How's my hair?  Does my hair work?

Alan: It does appear to grow each month.


Whew!  Good job, guys!  The last of your grades have been inputted!  The final grades are as follows:

~ MG ... 87.58%

~ OH ... 72.32%

~ LJ ... 74.77%

~ KL ... 92.24%

~ MeM ... 97.41%

~ MaM ... 83.18%

~ AM ... 83.44%

Thanks for the hard work (generally :])!  Your average was 84.42%!  That's awesome!  ¡Que chevere!

This is how it's going to roll from here on out.  Tomorrow morning after our review session (please come if able!), I give "The Binder" to Clink.  In it, she'll see all your grade totals, as well as a detailed gradekeeper for each unit (Short Story, Poetry, etc.).  She will also see all the tests on which we worked so hard.  Your grades with me, the final with her, and your team recommendations will all be the main deciding factors.  Attendance may also come into play.  No one ever knows with Clink.

For a full list of what will happen from now on, please refer to the April Schedule.  (You know, the one where I couldn't count to "4"?)

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