Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I had these two fantastic dreams consecutively last night and the night before last. 

During my dream the night before last, Alwaysbored, Robot Wizard, and I had Ms. Merriman for English in the same period, and we made it a point of really getting on her nerves the first day back.  Well, long story short, we all got two detentions apiece.  Oh, and it's important that Ms. Merriman looked like Umbridge, but was wearing leopard print instead of pink like Umbridge would.  So anyway, my first detention (we were all doing separate things) was in the athletic department.  It was my job to wash the used, gym uniforms for the school.  As I worked, the words "I will love the Grapes of Wrath" etched onto the back of my hand.  That's when I woke up.

Then last night, I was pretty furious about the detention the night before, so I challenged Ms. Merriman (again wearing leopard print) to a duel.  I won (of course!), but during the fight, she cursed off half of my left eyebrow.  Robot Wizard told me that the curse was Dark magic, so my eyebrow would never grow back.  But then, all the sudden, Turtles was there singing "Bubbly," and my eyebrow grew back.  That was the end then.

"Breakout" came out today.  I bet Alwaysbored's pleased!  In case you didn't know, Miley is Alwaysbored's favorite artist!  =P  (Ha, ha, ha...)

Oh!  I made this fabulous blackberry pie yesterday.  It's delicious...


Anonymous said...


Now that my rant is over, I would like to say:

LOL, those were hilarious dreams. Awesome!

Death To Miley!

Anonymous said...


Hilarious! Just found it right after my post! Thank you Gmail related article email search!

Anonymous said...

Aw, poor Miley!  She actually is pretty talented.  Hannah Montana is a little too much, but Miley isn't bad really.  I totally agree that "7 Things" is one of the worst songs on the planet, but I like "Breakout" and "Goodbye" really well!  =)

Anonymous said...

i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this post.
i consider it a very bad night for me if i haven't had a dream.
as you may know, dreams are a very fun subject for me. haha
although they have been very lacking in the orlando bloom department.
not that i mind, since edward cullen has been filling his spot, but it might be nice to have both. hahaha
anyways, NINE MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well, ten, technically untill i actually get my hands on a book. gr.

Anonymous said...

Actually, sorry to disappoint all Miley Cyrus fans, but I just HATE HER VOICE. It is stingy, nasily, and downright terrible. If anyone else was singing those songs, they would be AMAZING (Well, strike that, I would not like them anyways). She just needs to quit making music and say that they whole disney channel thing is what she should do. Ever since she went away from Disney, bad things have happened to her.

Anonymous said...

hahahaha omg that first dream is amazing.
and totally believable.
we'd sooo make her retire :D
aaand miley cyrus can go crawl in a hole & stay there & take topless pictures & kill all the poor animals with her awful voice.
the end :]

Anonymous said...

Lol. That would be a happy day when that happened.