Monday, September 1, 2008


This three-day weekend was nice.  I feel ready to take on the coming week.  =)

Tomorrow is the first test in World History, and I plan on annihilating it.  Once more, I'm not very pleased with the student teacher.  (Sighs...)  Last Friday, during the jeopardy-style review (which I totally won by the way =]), one of the answers on the Power Point said that Akhenaten reduced Egyptian monotheism to only the worship of Ra.  If I were a cat, that would've taken out one of my lives.  There's a huge difference between Aten and Ra, so I was pretty disappointed.  In the textbook, it even says Aten (although they spell it "Aton," and I prefer the former way).  I've been putting off studying for the test, because I'm going over to Turtle's this evening to have a study group with her and Panda. 

Ra -

Aten (the sun disk, and that's Akhenaten, the feminine-looking pharaoh, praising it) -

I'm very excited for the first Spell Bowl practice this Thursday!  Oh, and there's the Tomb Raider: Underworld - very exciting.  Not to mention the World History trip.  And how could I forget - I can't wait for my bangs to grow back!  I'm a very restless person at the moment.

By the way, do you like my new desktop?


Anonymous said...

haha i forgot how irritating a certain someone is though.
holy crap. im like i would looovee to punch the crap out of you right now.
"excuse me, did someone give you my namee or something? bc i like got a letterrr so i was wondering if someone recommended me?"
uh. NO. haha youre not thatt special. justtt because you can spell crocodile..
haha k my rant's over.
and your desktop? you would. haha

Anonymous said...

wow. your background isn't emma watson. amazing. hahaha.
i was thinking about that this weekend when i was watching harry potter.
anyhoo as for your new title change, i like the idea, not the spelling.
i'll probably write it down or something so i can remember it but whatever. hahaha. i'll live.

Anonymous said...

Alwaysbored: Ha, ha... you know my desktop's amazing.  "And just so you know, I spelled MUCH harder words than 'crocodile!'  I had to spell 'obiquitous,' which is SOOOOOO hard.  Not to mention 'psalm!'"  Ha, ha, ha... she's unbelievable.

Shoetopia Citizen: And you call yourself a Spell Bowler.  Shame.  Question - why don't you just favorite the web site?  I use the same URL each time, and am just changing the name, etc.  And I was thinking of you when I sent the e-mail out, so you'd at least find out it was changed without thinking I'd spontaneous deleted the blog.  How could I ever do that?  This is like the most amazing blog ever!  Oh, and it's been a long time since I've had an Emma Watson desktop.  My last one was Natalie Dormer, and before that was a stage of friends/Philmont pictures.  =)

Anonymous said...

Gasp! I know how to spell Trojan! hahahhahahaahahaa.
That's a really good idea. I'll never have to type it again! Yay!
Why didn't you come up with that brilliant idea before? But I appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Well, I guess I am behind on your backgrounds then. You should keep me more informed. Haha.
Oh, and we're forming an alliance and letting the world join. I still like my name the best. ;D

Anonymous said...

haha i've had this blog favorited since like, the beginning.
i figured it was logical..?
it's okay, we all have our slow days ;]

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... oh dear, Shoetopia Cit.  This blog has been my home page for ages.  Love it... =)

Anonymous said...

alwaysbored: hahaha. wow. i guess i'm not a very logical person on my blonde days.

jsonri: that whole you not talking to me isn't very nice. stop being a butt. offense intended. kidding. sort of. :)

Anonymous said...

Shoetopia - Ha, ha... I only saw you this morning, I'm not actually shunning you. =P

Anonymous said...

oh hahahaha. my bad.

Anonymous said...

you're like 11 days behind sir. haha

Anonymous said...

honestlyy davidd. nineteen days?! haha