Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Spell Bowl! Yay!

Monday night was great; I had so much fun!  Between throwing the water out the window (and dumping it on Alwaysbored :]), and chucking the icepacks down shirts, it was a blast.  Congrats to everyone on the team!  We placed third out of thirteen schools that were there.  Here are some of our words:

~ arborvitae

~ Mendelssohn

~ shillelagh

~ trompe l'oeil

~ Krushchev

~ miravile visu

~ objet d'art

~ Weimaraner

~ Naugahyde

~ fleur-de-lis

~ Abu Dhabi

~ avante-garde

~ Croix de Guerre

So yeah, go us!  Ha, ha... I got all nine of my words right, so I got a pretty ribbon.  Yay!

I also learned that my phone, the mobile virgin (:]), and I would be parting this December.  I'm getting a new phone for Christmas - exciting!  That's my current phone in the picture, and take my word when I say it looks a lot better in the picture than it does in real life, if that tells you anything about it.  =)

I broke up with AY today, so I'm a little bummed, but it's all good.  Life goes on you know.  I really enjoyed all my time her, and I look forward to a lasting friendship.  =)

I put Alwaysbored's site on my favorites.  I don't know why I didn't have it there before - duh!  Ha, ha...  Make sure you check it out!

New Tomb Raider: Underworld vignettes -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yayy i was hoping youd put my site on there :D
haha and omg yes it was amazinnngg. looove spellbowlll!
and you put my word on! woo! trompe l'oeil :]
haha and that totally doesnt even look like your mobile virgin