Thursday, October 16, 2008

Living in the Moment

Hm... my life is sweet nibbletz right now. I'm super-looking forward to tomorrow. It should be very awesome! Debate and Spell Bowl are amazing. I'm looking forward to (possibly) the last Spell Bowl meet of the season on Monday. It should be pretty intense, and I'm very psyched.
Team BPJ!!!

Well summer's dying, and that makes me sad. The good thing is, though, that Christmas is coming! Woot! And so is spring, which is my favorite season if you were curious. I was a little sad that I didn't get a lot of time to hang out in my woods this summer. I usually spend like half my summer there, and I wasn't there nearly that much this year. But that's OK, I guess, that just means I'll have to spend twice as much in the forest next year!

Sarah's warm, but she's not on my back.

On a positive note, however, the season change means American Eagle sales. I could use a new jacket, so I have prospects for this weekend or the next for some quality time at the mall.

We are in love like armadillos in a desert.

She's as hungry as a caterpillar in a rain forest!


sarahhh! :) said...

haha oh man. we're amazing. yay BPJ!

Anonymous said...

Awww....tears for David!