Come on people, these words aren't gonna spell
Embrocation with Ben-Gay to help your sore muscles.
Polynomials, too.
Go Mrs. Ohneck!
It was definitely awesome. I was trying to decide which meet was the most fun, but I can't decide. They were all to fabulous to choose just one! Here are a few words we spelled:
~ monogramattic
~ aggrandizement
~ eclecticism
~ ebullience
~ fiduciary
~ embrocation
~ periphrastic
~ piece de resistance
~ lambency
~ presbytery
~ ubiquitous
~ illimitable
~ miscible
~ hemorrhage (hee-moor-haj, right Turtles?)
~ Aristophanes
~ homogeneous
~ sapience
We got 27/66 in state, so we are better than average anyway! We were also the top school in Fort Wayne, which is gratifying. Unfortunately, my own contributions were not all that fab at this competition (6/9). That's OK, though, I still had fun! =)
I am so excited for Tomb Raider: Underworld. It's less than a month away, and I'm going insane. I have the eighteenth all planned out. My brother is driving me to Best Buy directly after school, so I can go pick it up - sweet nibbletz.
I had a debate meet last Saturday, which went quite well I thought, but I'm saving that for my next post. Spell Bowl and Debate are both amazing but in their own ways, so I think they should have their own posts.
aaahh yayyy i've been waiting for this post FOREVERRR! haha man that was so amazing. id say the last one was prob the most fun [even though there were some annoying parts... "woah, thats hot" hahah]
and dang it. i didnt mean to post that yet. haha ah those pics rock too. i want the rest of them! and i love the quoteess. haha our jokes rockk! just like us wooo :)
oh & btw its okay you didnt get a 9 again. we forgive you haha. plus you already got two so thats prettyyy dang goood! and i got one for you instead :) [finally, haha]
are you going to have the game on ur PC?
Oh, and you did better than I did!!! XD XD XD which i guess that could mean SOMETHING LOL!!!
Definitely PC, and thanks, Michael. I'm feeling better about myself now, and I've even quit drinking! I think you deserve a medal. You're my hero. =)
Oh, I added a poll on the right column. I'm liking Blogger better and better, but I still think it's a little weird. Also, there's a new gadget at the very bottom from which you can send texts (my bff jill). I added a "reaction" option as well. Beneath every post, there's a list of reactions you had to it that you can choose from. We'll see how it goes.
wooo i like ittt! haha i voted for like four options on the poll. :D
btwwwww you should bring those pics for me to the spellbowl partyy! which i am verrryy excited about :D aw i miss spellbowl alreadyyy. we are sooo cooll. haha
haha that deleted comment is me btw. i was testing out to see if it would show my new picturrre. sorryyy :]
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