After school on Monday, my Debate coach convinced me to join Speech, the first meet of which will be this Saturday. It should be awesome, because it requires practically no preparation (yes!), and I have a bunch of friends on that team who I don't get to see much anymore. I've been feeling a little empty since Spell Bowl finished, too, so I'm going to try to fill that space in, but there is no way that Spell Bowl can ever be replaced. It's way too great.
I'm double-entering in Speech, which means I compete in two events. I will be doing U.S. Extemporaneous and Impromptu - very exciting. In U.S. Extemp., I'm giving a box of magazines a question that I select out of three, a note card with (max fifty words), and a half hour to write a speech up to seven minutes long. It looks pretty fun, and it'll keep me informed. Then in Impromptu, you get a card with one word or a quote on it. Some examples I got were "honesty," "winter," and the less likely "meat." I turn and face a wall for thirty seconds, and then I talk to the judge about it for a maximum of five minutes. That should be really fun, I think! =)

The Spell Bowl party after school on Tuesday was pretty good. It can't compare to meets, but it was fun still. I haven't laughed as hard as I did when I got my award in a long time! I would scan the picture and put it on here, but, well, ha, ha, ha... you know! =)

The Spell Bowl party after school on Tuesday was pretty good. It can't compare to meets, but it was fun still. I haven't laughed as hard as I did when I got my award in a long time! I would scan the picture and put it on here, but, well, ha, ha, ha... you know! =)
haha ohhh i love spellbowl. AH EXTEMPORANEOUS! that was my winning spelling bee word in 8th grade.. wow ima loser for knowing that. haha. andd woo wills on speech teamm you should talk to him. hes hilariouuuus haha
Someone called someone Will, and I wondered whether or not that's the one who you were friends with. I guess so! I'll make sure to say something next time. =)
hahah i totally missed the 'dude... thats hot' the first time i read this. ohhh dear those jokes are amazinnnng!
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