If you read "The Three Women", and weren't too interested in it, you'll probably-definitely like this anyway. But if you did like it, great, then you'll love this! OK, the Divine Proportion - Phi/1.618 - appears in nature all the time, blah, blah, blah... you heard all that stuff in the other one. But it also appears eerily in human anatomy (please grap a tap measure and calculator at this time). I don't mean to sound creepy or anything, but this actually works best with a lack of clothing. Just trust me, and if you don't read the rest and see what it is. It's not weird or anything.
1. Now that that's set - take the tape measure and record your height from the floor to the top of your head. Now divide that by distance from your belly button to the ground. It should equally roughly 1.618.
2. Try dividing the distance from your shoulder to your middle finger tip by the distance between your elbow and your middle finger tip.
3. Hip to floor divided by your knee to floor.
4. Finger joints to the next.
5. Toe joints to the next.
The smaller the distances, the farther away it seems, but some of them get pretty close! Isn't that so weird. When I read that I had to try that myself. If you liked this and didn't read "The Three Women", you might like that as well!
You can get dressed now, LOL.
welll aaardvark64 & i tried it and um it didnt really work. haha okay so obviously we werent naked but whateverr haha the first two were like 1.68... but some were like 2? idk. maybe his body's just weird.. haha whoo knowwws
Ya, the smaller the proportions, the less accurate it gets. If you get an x-ray of your hand it actually works, but most times those aren't readily available, ha, ha...
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