Friday, October 26, 2007


"Elizabeth" was an awesome movie!  I loved it!

It was one of the few accurate and entertaining movies I've seen in awhile!  There wasn't a lot of fighting though, you only got a couple glimpses of the battle (ya, they only showed one!).  But whatever, you know, it was still great!

I loved how they changed her outfit for every scene.  That was kind of cool to see all the costumes!

Ha, ha... I've just got one thing to say concerning Raleigh... "Captain Jack did it better!"

In The Romans For Dummies, they have these cool cartoons before each Part (it's like a unit in a textbook, it contains the chapters).  Here's Part One's -



Anonymous said...

I really want to see that movie!!! It looks like it is really good!

Anonymous said...

It rocks!  Just don't worry about getting there early, there was only one other group besides ours at the Carmike!  History haters.....  =P

Anonymous said...

haha i dont know if i've even heard of that movie
oh well.. it doesn't really seem like my type..
haah sorry, i fall into that 'history hater' category :]

Anonymous said...

It actually isn't just a history movie, it's actually very fun beyond that aspect of it!  =)