Thursday, October 18, 2007

End of 1st Quarter!!!!

The end of the first quarter, woot-woot!  I can't wait for FACS tomorrow!  Art's good and I love Mrs. Christman, but it's not as good as FACS.  If you didn't know, apparently I have had a secretly proficiency to art that has shockingly shown itself this year!  I have an Expressionism work in the 8th Grade Wing, my independent "Statue of David" project in the Art Department Corridor, and two pieces (Cut-Paper and a Two-Point Perspective) hanging in the superintendent's office.  I usually stink at art, but I read some really enlightening "confluence of art and science" books over the summer, and came back armed with some good tips, using my more mathematical skills to my advantage.  I was pretty proud of myself!  (My dad thinks I'm going to turn into the first hippie that the family's had... =] a joking sort of way of course!  I can't imagine my hair in a ponytail...)  Christman was a really cool Art techer.  =)

I get to do Studie 94 next quarter with Mr. Etter for 2nd Quarter in Project Business.  That'll be awesome!  French was cool, but we didn't learn a ton.  Mrs. Etter is fun, but not the best teacher.

I have Gym with Hesterman.  She liked my brother, but I've never had her, so I don't know.......  WOOT WOOT, I'M RID OF PETERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm OK now.....  =)



Anonymous said...

haha woww someone's happy
nothing for us changes til semester so yeahh boring haha
omg i lovedd FACS! easiest class everrr & ms frye loved me so thats always good haha
you as a hippie? heeckk no haha
keyboarding is amazing too though.. i finished mavis beacon in two days & did absolutely nothing for the rest of the year! it was super awesome. well she has you do these weird project things but i never did them haha

p.s. you spelled both teacher & studio wrong in that post =]

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... FACS rocks!  =)

Keyboarding is good too!  Mrs. Hoot loves me.  When we do all those Word projects she just gives me her clipboard, tells me to give me to go ahead and skip the project, give myself a check, and then mark off the others when they completed it.  =)

I never use the spell check on this thing, because I use so many pictures and polls that it never returns.  I type quickly and never go back to check it, so it's not that I don't know how to spell them.  =)

Anonymous said...

haha I know you can spell them, I just like to point them out =]

Anonymous said...

OK, good... whew... I was hoping you wouldn't think I'd misspell "teacher", because I didn't know it.  Why is this boy applying for Mensa?  Ha, ha...  =)