Saturday, October 20, 2007

Greek Sub-Test

Today I went to South Bend to take my Mensa Application Test.  It was a lot easier than I thought it would be!  But that's not really why I'm writing about it!  It was composed an odd booklet at the beginning of fifty questions that was completely different from the other booklet, which is the one I'll be talking about.

The second booklet was made up of seven sub-tests.  Before we started on the first, however, the proctor read us a short story that we had to remember for an until we'd take sub-test seven an hour later.  The tale was narrating the Greek rite of Dithyrambos, a prayer to the god Dionysus.  They probably chose a story like that because they figured that no one would be crazy enough to know anything about such an obscure topic.  Ha, ha...

Obviously the world hasn't met me yet!  =)

I didn't even bother to listen, because I'd read all about it in Greek Religion by Walter Burkert.  That was probably the easiest section of them all for me.  I finished in two minutes during this four minute test that is supposed to be challenging for bright people.

But the point is, I could get into the organization by having known a little background on history!  The main reasoning I want to join is for a résumé boost, so I may get to go to the college, and indirectly get the career, that I want for knowing a couple random facts on history!  Quite transcendent really...

In all fairness, I haven't gotten in yet though, but I sure hope I do!  =)

Facts of the past can change the life of the present.  Nothing's influence ever dies.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I'll admit, that is prettyy crazy!  Hmm you might have to tell me more about this too.  I'm interested!  It sounds like fun too... ah boy I'm such a nerddd. =]

Anonymous said...

I really hope I get in, not just for college reasons.  I think it would be fun!  Your not the only nerd here!  =)