Monday, October 29, 2007

Halloween - Past to Present

AGAIN!  I'm missing school (at least this morning, I want to go in the afternoon) today from this vile plague, whatever it is!

October 31 marked the tradition end of summer.  It marked the end of the harvest.  It marked the beginning of a cold, dark winter.  It marked a time associated with death, when the animals were brought in for slaughter.  It marked a night (as the story goes) when the barriers between the worlds of the living and the spirits were brought down, and ghosts could walk on the earth.  October 31's Halloween evolved from a Celtic festival known as Samhain to the Christianized holiday it is today.

"Like many Celtic festivals, Samhain spurred the Druids to build huge sacred bonfires, sacrifice animals, and gather people together to burn crops in honor of the Celtic gods.  During this fire festival, the Celts wore masks and costumes, typically consisting of animal heads and skins, and attempted to tell each other's fortunes."

- Don't Know Much About Mythology

As usual, Christians stomped the fun out of the Pagan frivolity.  Pope Boniface IV designated November 1 as All Saints' Day  (All-hallows) in an attempt to replace Samhain with a related, but yet Church-sanctioned, holiday.  The night before it, October 31 became All Saints' Eve (All-hallows Eve (later became Halloween)).  November 2 became All Souls' Day.  Together the three celebrations were known as the Hallowmas.

I just can't stress enough that what happened in the past is still as alive today as it was then, even if we don't necessarily notice it.  This is just another example of that, and it was in season so I brought it up.

Romans For Dummies Part 3 Comic -

I need to clarify that bobbing for apples was originally a Roman tradition, but when their holiday celebrating Pomona combined with the Feralia and Samhain, it then became a Celtic tradition.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry you are sick!  'Don't know much about Mythology' is one of my faves!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Ya, it's a pretty awesome reference for a variety of information, not just mythology.

Today's not been my day.  I'm sick, and then I get a letter telling me that I didn't make Mensa.  Darn... there are more tests I can take, though, so I plan on taking those.  =(

Anonymous said...

Am I going to have to send you another e-card?!?!? jeez!!! Well, you did not miss much today except for the grams....during play practice, i saw ur mom and bro picking up ur books...i don't think that you got that much homework....oh well....what do I know....

sorry about not making Mensa;( that is too bad...

Don't forget that it is ryans maybe call him or something like that...

Anonymous said...

haha i love how all four people voted for christmas on your poll!
im sorry you were sick all day =[
& im really sorry you didnt make mensa =[
but you'll be happy to know i actually read this article, and it was historical!
haha ohh and i have a history-related suggestion for youu
on my word of the day calendar, today's word was draconian, which is of or relating to Draco, especially his harsh laws, or something like that. basically super harsh rules. wellll i have no clue who draco is, besides harry potter, but i dont think thats it haha. im assuming he's probably historical soo i was wondering if you could shed some light on it..? i could just google it but i figured you'd have more fun w/ it haha and be glad im actually interested in something historical.
hope you're feeling better!

Anonymous said...

I would love another e-card!  Make it one of those with those two crazy, little animals, Yobo and Bongo, or whatever their names are!  =)

Yes, my family got a little overzealous with the textbook-bearing, because the cell phone didn't get a signal in the hallway, so they just brought it all home.  They didn't want to miss anything vital, although it ends up I only needed one book (for history reading).  Instead I have five textbooks, two binders, five folders, and two journals.  Spectacular... I got an involuntary locker clean-out!  =)

Wow!  I'm impressed Alwaysbored!!!!

Draco was an statesman in the 7th Century BC who's essentially remembered for making some pretty harsh rules (known as the Draconian Code), so we use the word "draconian" today to describe something unjustly severe.

Ha, ha... I feel appreciated!  =)

While I'm at it, I'll relate history to the present (considering Draco), because you weren't wrong in thinking that Draco Malfoy is connected to that definition of "draconian".  If anything, in fact you were correct!  Rowling actually named her character "Draco" in part for having such an unjust charcter.  There were other reasons too, along with the obvious link between Draco (as an astrological sign), snakes, and the house of Slytherin.  There's a lot of history behind the names in Harry Potter once you do a little digging!  (And a lot of other literature used nominal symbology, especially from eras when that kind of thing was in vogue, such as the Renaissance, however you can find more and more of it in modern works, too!)

Anonymous said...

I wasn't too upset about not making Mensa.  You can test out for it plenty more times, and if I were to make it now, that'd be pretty abnormal anyway.  In theory, the optimal time to try would be when your eighteen, but I figure I should try to make it before then so I don't have to worry about it later.  I don't really need it until resumé time anyway, so I've got a little bit!  =)

Oh, and this evening didn't end as poorly as the weekend had been going.  I was watching Rome with a setting that brings up facts as the show progresses.  It's pretty interesting (for me at least =])!  (Yup, that's how history nerds spend their bored evenings I guess!)

Anonymous said...

hmm that's cool about the draco thing!
but you hadd to relate an innocent story to history, didn't you?
way to go. haha

Anonymous said...

i voted Christmas too. That makes five. That's pretty accurate 2 i think. A lot of ppl luv Christmas

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... sorry, I couldn't help myself!  =)

Yes, well, I figured Christmas would be at least a little popular!  =)