Saturday, October 13, 2007


When you live near a forest, one of the greatest thing you'll ever see is a migration.  In a matter of ten minutes and appearing in a scene worthy of Alfred Hitchcock, thousands of birds of all shape, size, and color can be seen magnificently taking off.  In that short time, literally all but the year-round birds can be seen emptying out of the trees.

In the picture below, top, you can see my yard full of cowbirds (below, bottom) about to take off.  I really wish I could load a video of the birds ascending, but I can't, so this'll have to do.  The trees are just brimming with them, just clouds of color on a stick.

In the video, you could also hear the birds before they take off!  The sound of all their cries is deafening!

Then BAM! all at the same time the birds swoop out of the trees and fly away.  The process of them all taking off is only about 10 minutes, but then after that, everything is eerily silent again.

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Anonymous said...

I love the autumn... the crisp fresh air is amazing...

be well,

Anonymous said...

that's awesome! we never really get anything like that by our house.. which makes sense because we have like twenty trees, maybe. haha but you can see daily that there are less and less birds.. but that sounds really cool!

Anonymous said...

Hi Treasure seeker

Try this link which offers an easy way to post pictures and videoes.    

You add pictures or video, crop, add text, choose music and voila...DONE!  It's free..unless you want to get fancy with more musical choices or wide screen viewing with out ads.  I've got that because I'm a photo freak.

tc,  Bethe

Anonymous said...

With this style, my dial-up is pretty much maxed out how it is, so it'd probably go kaput if I did that.  Thanks anyway!  =)