Monday, October 15, 2007

Sick... =(

Erggg.... I'm sick today, so I'm not at school.  I'd had some plans for today, so now I'm all frustrated because there were things I needed to get done.  Rawrggg...

Oh, well... I'm getting a lot of reading done at least, but other than that, this is pretty crappy.

I put a picture of Orpheus below, because I forgot to attach it to the "Orpheus" post.  He's cute, but this isn't the best picture of him, it was just the only one that I could find.

We're having Subway for lunch, so that'll be good.  That place is addictive.  That and Panera.  =)

"Some people eat to live, I live to eat!" - Starraegazer  =)

Wow, I can't even think of one topic to write about, I'm just babbling - sorry.  This is not my day...  =(

If I think of something later I'll post it!


Anonymous said...

I love the pic!  Orpheus was is so cute!  I love Panera... Subway too...  

I do hope you feel better!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Thanks!  I'm feeling a lot better today!  =)

Anonymous said...

I feel special... I was quoted! XDD

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... you are special Rae!  =)

Anonymous said...

awwww he's sooo cuteee!