Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Spell Bowl Results

We won conference and got 3rd in Class (again!)!  Yay!  I think our total was 42/72, and our goal was 45, so we thought we did pretty well!  =)

Ha, ha... individually though, I didn't do so hot.  I missed one more than I did last year!  Ooops... Although I studied a lot more last year than I did this year so it only makes sense!  5/9.... ha, ha....  =)

I heard about Dumbledore being gay!  I was a little surprised that she'd publicly announce it, but I had some suspicions about him.

Wicca, witchcraft, and now homosexuality!  I'm sure the "Concerned Mothers of America" will have a field day over this!  "What are we teaching our children!?!?!"  Ha, ha... they're the ones who need to grow up.  It's not like Dumbledore's the last gay guy that kids are going to meet.

Now that I think of it, that is a huge promotion of gay rights!  She had clearly established Dumbledore as a "good-guy" and by having him be homosexuality there are certain implications in that statement saying that his orientation is "OK".  Pretty clever really!


I'm not sure how those two topics connect, but whatever!  =)

The Romans For Dummies -


Anonymous said...

Oh, and I just learned we got 12th in state!  Woo-hoo!  =)

Anonymous said...

what happened to wait for my perfect score..?
haha oh well, brothers think alike i guess!
im just glad i'll have good people next year.
oh and about dumbledore? hahaha thats great.
didnt see that coming, but thats funny! haha

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!!!! Yay I can finally post stuff on your blog now David!!! This is realley sweet!! Anyways, I know, it was really pathetic for some of our spellers. I myself only got a 6/9 (YIKES!) I missed dodging (I have no idea why), ohmeter (the lady pronounced it ulmeter), and Worcester (THE LADY PRONOUNCED IT WOOSTER!!!!!) I was really ticked at the lasy and myself lol....well, i think that i will try more hard in later

Anonymous said...

Heyy don't worry, i sympathize.
I got subrogation but I thought the guy said sebrogation so I wrote it.. but I knew subrogation was a word but I was like whatever, let's go w/ what he said. Grrr cost me that onee word.. stupid guy. haha I always get screwed when it comes to pronunciations.  Happened to me at the school spelling bee in 6th grade and the area one in 7th grade.

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... sweet!  6/9 is still better than mine *hangs head in shame*, but you know this all works out for the better!  If I do better next year I get a treat *holds up box of treats*!


Anonymous said...

hahahahha yay for treats!

Anonymous said...

*smiles!*  =)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....what kind of treats are we talking about? Because, like, if you have gross disgusting CAT treats then that would make you even more discouraged to do well....i am just kidding lol....

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... since you ask they are called "Orli Treats" (they used to be Genius Treats, but that went out of style or something...).  Hazel HATES them, btw...
