Monday, October 22, 2007

¡Spell Bowl, Woot-Woot!


Our Spell Bowl competion is tomorrow!  Yay!  I'm ready for some intense spelling!  Lol... =)  Yup, I'm a nerd!  But really... a bunch of my friends are in it, so I'm really excited!  I even skipped Tae Kwon Do to study this evening!  =)

Well if your on the team (or aren't) here's David's Hard/Weird Word List to practice with if the Spirit moves you too!  They aren't all hard, some of the them are just plain odd.  =)

~  a cappela

~  A-line

~  Allegheny Mountains

~  alma mater

~  anent

~  arroyo

~  avoirdupois

~  baklava

~  barouche

~  Basque

~  beachhead

~  Beaufort scale

~  bedlam

~  bitterroot

~  black sheep

~  blow-dryer

~  bouillon

~  boutonniere

~  bronchoscope

~  calumniation

~  cancellation

~  cartel

~  casein

~  cast off

~  catechumenal

~  censer

~  chatelaine

~  chemurgy

~  Cheyenne

~  codeine

~  colonnade

~  commandant

~  compliant

~  consomme

~  coquet

~  cormorant

~  cosecant

~  coterie

~  coup de grâce

~  cowcatcher

~  crack down

~  crankcase

~  custom-made

~  defrayal

~  dependence

~  dirigible

~  distingué

~  dowdiness

~  Dutch oven

~  e pluribus unum

~  ebb tide

~  efferent

~  ennui

~  epiglottis

~  fantail

~  farmhouse

~  fibril

~  fireproof

~  flare-up

~  Formosa

~  forthright

~  fountainhead

~  framework

~  gaminess

~  garnishee

~  Gehenna

~  gerrymander

~  good-natured

~  guyot

~  haggis

~  halcyon

~  harridan

~  haystack

~  headstrong

~  heartburn

~  hemizygous

~  illegitimate

~  in medias res

~  incessant

~  indigence

~  intendant

~  isosceles

~  jerkin

~  jodphur

~  katydid

~  killdeer

~  lectern

~  letdown

~  livelong

~  Los Angeles

~  masseuse

~  Maupassant

~  meerschaum

~  merrymaking

~  Mohammed

~  Monongahela

~  nosedive

~  off-color

~  old-world

~  one-step

~  openwork

~  ophthalmologist

~  ordnance

~  orthoepical

~  Ottawa

~  overnight

~  Pandora's Box

~  paratrooper

~  pediatrist

~  penumbra

~  philatelic

~  pineal

~  Plexiglas

~  pro tempore

~  promulgate

~  ragamuffin

~  red-handed

~  remissible

~  rollicking

~  round up

~  Santa Claus

~  Saskatchewan

~  self-confidence

~  shoreline

~  slantwise

~  sleazy

~  solecism

~  soothsayer

~  stanchion

~  stationery

~  stockyard

~  Styrofoam

~  subpoenaed

~  surveillant

~  three-peat

~  tightwad

~  toss-up

~  tumbrel

~  twi-night

~  tympanum

~  tyrranize

~  vaquero

~  venetian blind

~  verve

~  watercourse

~  weatherproof

~  well-to-do

~  Xanadu

~  Youghiogheny

Oh, and I heard new about my camera!  They are going to look for it again sometime this week (Wednesday I think), and they are pretty confident they'll find it from what it sounds like, so all you picture bugs out there may yet be appeased!  Oh, they didn't promise the camera would be working still, but I know I can get the pictures if the memory chip is still protected.  It's on the inside, and it hasn't rained here yet, so it shoule be in working order!  =)

Best wishes to Spell Bowlers, from Queen Hazel Marie Hirschy, ruler of the world, lady of the all the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea, and everything else between them, et cetera, et cetera......


Anonymous said...

hahaha. Why is Santa Claus on that list?

Anonymous said...

¿Because it's capitalized?  Idk... it's Santa Claus, you don't need a reason!  =)

Anonymous said...

WOOT! im excited for you =]
i can't believe you typed up all those words though.. haha
and im even more excited that you'll be on my team next yearr!
maybe a good team for oncee?
haha and yes, my team =]

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha!  Ya, I can't wait!  (cough, cough... jk!)  With me... psh... duh it'll be a good team!  =)

Oh, I've heard you've been missing a few more than you used to!  Losing our touch in our old age, are we?  Don't worry, that's what all this young stuff is for!  =)

Oh, and I realized that Pandora's Box is misspelled.  It should be Pandora's box.  No capitalizing the "b"!

Anonymous said...

Also, "tyrranize" should be "tyrannize".

Ooopsies!  =)

Well since I fixed my mistake... *feeds self treat*.  Ha, ha, ha, ha.......  =)

Anonymous said...

haha well heyy this last meet i heard one wrong
so yeah i would've gotten it right.
haha but pshh we'll see what you gett :P
and way to misspell words people might study off of haha
hahaha and omg i did that treat thing today in math & hes like it was funny at first but now its not and im like im not gonna lie, its still hilarious haha and i got justin forkert doing it & it was sooo funnnyy hahahahah

Anonymous said...

Yep, just wait for my perfect score!  =)

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  That's hilarious... and still is!  *shakes box of treats*  =)

Anonymous said...

haha okayy
thats what i got in 8th grade =]
i think.. haha idk.
welll hopee you did goood!
hurry up & post here & let us knoww haha.