Monday, October 15, 2007

¡Sweet Map!

I had a lot of time to read In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great today, and I found this awesome map of his conquest (below)!  It isn't "old" looking, but still, it's really practical!  That book has awesome pictures.  Michael Wood needed to put less of himself hiking, though, and more of the sites, because he takes up too much space!  =)  He's lot "large" in that way, he just puts too many pictures of himself in it, when he could've had more of the concepts and places from the book in those spots.

Alexander the Great Cocktail Party Facts

~  Alexander is believed to have killed his friend Clitus in a drunken rage.

~  Alexander as a child was tutored by Aristotle.

~  Alexander was inspired by the feats of the heroes in The Iliad, and always slept with a copy of the epic beneath his pillow.

~  When Alexander attacked Thebes, he ordered all the structures destroyed except for the temples and the home of the poet Pindar.

~  Alexander founded over 70 cities within his empire, over thirty of which were named "Alexandria".


Anonymous said...

I knew all these facts!  So, I couldn't be surprised by any of them!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Wow!  I'm impressed!  =)

Anonymous said...

i knew he was tutored by aristotle but when i first read it i thought it said tortured - hahah!

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha...  "CHILD ABUSE!!!!"  =)