- The Book of General Ignornace
"...Peruvians consume an estimated 65 million of them each year."
According to the book the guinea pigs (montage of guinea pigs below) taste like rabbits. Also, the best part are the cheeks (on the face, don't freak!), but I've never had the honor of eating guinea pig before, so I can't give any testimony to that.
Oh, and get this...
"In Peru, the animals are kept in the kitchen because of the ancient Andean belief that they need smoke, and folk doctors in the Andes use guinea pigs to detect illness in people - they believe that when the rodent is pressed against a sick person, it will squeak when near the source of disease. In the cathedral of the city of Cuzco, Peru, there's a painting of the Last Supper in which Jesus and the disciples are shown abou to eat roast guinea pig [below, bottom]."
That's fascinating!
Ha, ha... and I tied it into history... =P
Haha yeah we learned that in Spanish class.. and did you know that generally they are fried and when they are fried, they're dropped in the vat live! I thought that was soo sadd haha. Yeah I love guinea pigs because they're so cute but their squeaking drives me insaneee haha.
OMG - that's terrible! =(
And what's worse, I can just picture them falling in! Awe...... =(
Yeah I know!
And it's called pui (sp? its pronounced pwee), and Sr. Drake said that's because that's the sound they make when they get dropped in. I'm like CALL THE SPCA! haha
Gosh, stop! =O
You've scarred me for life now! I'll probably grow up to be some Green Party Hippie now because of this! =)
Just kidding...
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