One of my associates passed this fascinating website onto me! It truly made my day. In it you can read the most fabulous things about me and the other "punks". Here are a few of my favorites, along with my personalized responses to each:
~ "...but I don't do things the right do you know this guy so we can go kick his lil ass???"
I love having my (insert word of choice meaning buttocks) kicked. That's why I do Tae Kwon Do. Ha, ha... but on the other hand, scratch that last actually, because I've never lost a tournament sparring match. Well, anywho, I've never had to defend myself against foam weapons either. I'm quite afraid. And for the record, thanks for the compliment on my waist size. I suppose having my "lil ass" kicked is better, or somehow different, than having my "big ass" kicked... or is that not what you mean?
~ "...I'm rather pissed off...but idiots always piss me off, so that's really a moot point. Ah well, as they say : Judge not, lest ye be judged yourself. So, anyone know any of their hobbies so we can make some idiotic comments about them?"
To lessen the effort you'd have to exert in searching for my hobbies, which I'm sure must be somewhere near the effort spent in hitting someone with a stick (psssttt... it says in the column on the right), they include Boy Scouts, Tae Kwon Do, Academic Super Bowl (Lit. and Math), Spell Bowl, hanging out with friends, high adventure backpacking, badminton, reading, and swimming. And also, you're perfectly welcome to write anything you'd like about those. I would ask, though, that you refrain from commenting on Shirley Schmidt. She is the only one who has immunity here. Sorry for any inconvenience I've caused!
~ "People are entitled to their opinions, but I'm not sure why he states that "men aren't supposed to wear dresses." F* the norm. As soon as I make a this little aol screen-name thinger, I'm retaliating."
Ha, ha... well, I thought we were done with this topic, but sure. I'm game! I don't think men are supposed to wear dresses, because I have a touch of homophobia. Statistics show that what is generally defined as cross-dressing is has a direct correlation to homosexuality. So, anyway, it's just me. The world is welcome to go on resisting the peer pressure not to where messes (man+dresses). Oh, and I can't wait to see your retaliation. Good thing we are not immature here... ha, ha...
~ "the weird part is, this guy loves history, but he doesn't think men should wear kilts/skirts. BUT if you look back at most ancient civilizations, which one DIDN'T wear togas/kilts/skirts/kamonos? "
This one may be a bit obvious, but it seems like a well-needed wake-up call. He's correct in saying most ancient civilizations did wear the above stated, but last time I checked, America's not an ancient civilization, unless you're talking Native Americans, which I could understand. All the same, the modern descendents of the stereotyped "Indian" don't dress that way except for a very few particular, and very uncommon, ceremonies. Oh, and I almost forgot, I believe "kamonos" is spelled "kimonos", but that's besides the point. Spelling never separated ancient and modern civilizations. Anyway, I commend this person for refraining from threats (however, I must admit, those were what got me to laugh the most), and even trying to defend me from them. It was very noble..... (cue Oprah's "emotional moment" elevator music)
~ "The real question is why do we even care what he thinks? There are 2.4 million blogs on the internet all based on what the author of the blog thinks. Personal opinion w/o any hold of truth, gurth, or substance. "
THANK GOD SOMEONE GETS WHAT I'VE SAID... AND SAID... AND SAID. Honestly that is a bewildering question. Why do you even care what I think? Do whatever floats your boat! Who has the insecurity issues? Jeez... he hit the nail on the head when he said THIS BLOG IS MY PERSONAL OPINION. Ha, ha... enough said, I think. I like this guy........ but not in the "I'm a guy who wears dresses" kind of way. Ha, ha... anywho, since I picked on the other guy about "kimonos", "gurth" is "girth". i wasnt evn gonna strt on the ppl who use internet lingo 2 comment (How tacky...)
~ "Heh. You haven't spent nearly enough time around me man. That was just me pointing out that he should think twice about things before making assumptions based on someone's style of dress. A threat would have been more along the lines of your typical high school BS, "Shut your f***ing mouth before I beat the piss out of you." That's a threat. Just thought I'd clear that up for ya."
First off, I'd like to say that I haven't spent any time around you, and I've already had enough. So anyway, I think this person would be surprised what can pass as a "threat" in the sue-happy world of America. Not that I'd ever resort to anything like that, because that would just be encouraging the Liberals to keep doing it. It's just a thought!
Well that's it for my favorites! If you're interested in reading more lovely things about me, and seeing stuff that proves the points previously stated, please visit this website:
ahem. sorry.
but that's great. and i love the posts too.
however.. i love how you had some spelling errors [probably typos, but still] in your post too. it's alright, i forgive you. :]
oh and one other thing..
it's okay to judge if you've been judged? two wrongs don't make a right...
[but three lefts do!]
Ha, ha... oopsie! And glad you liked it!
Crap... I just realized I forgot to copy the comment where someone called me a douche. Oh, well... if you go to the site, you can see it firsthand! =)
Oh, I am ready for this!!! Lol....the link doesn't work any more!!!
It is SO AMAZING that they are able to still carry this conversation along. Don't be surprised is someone tries to kick you into a hole that never ends or you have your own Hate Club!!!! YAY!!! w00t!
I don't know why they keep referencing back to the, in quotes, "men shouldn't wear kilts" thing. They are trying to quote SOMETHING THAT WAS NEVER SAID!!! It makes me quite angry!!! |*_*|
IT IS AMAZING (in an Oprah like triumphant voice where the studio-audience goes quiet) how PROFANE these 'people' are. Wow....
Shame on you for
*Slaps wrist for bad spell*
No treats for me today. Darn... =(
haha yay for hate clubs!
and yeah, i would say shame on you for spelling too, but i'm used to it
and besides, you couldntt carry out my orderrs in the bee.. haha jk :]
[sorta. youre lucky that other kid won]
dang we're gonna hafta fix the link.
but oh boyy this is great.
hahaha that sounds like fun having a hate club!
although, i don't think there'd be enough people to hate me!
hahahahha jkjkjk
Ha, ha... it's pretty exciting. Maybe I could put that on a job resumé.
~ Questing for unicorns
~ Hanging out with my wife, Shirley
~ Getting to know my hate club
Ha, ha. I'm sure they'd be dying to hire me then! =)
Yes, you get the job, and then the people chase you out of the building while you ride your Unicorn, "Floofly"
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