Monday, April 14, 2008

In Betweenness

Bah, too much homework today.  I'm so tired of it.  I don't mind school that much, just homework, especially Algebra.  Graphing is retarded.  Oh, and he said our favorite phrase today with the hand motion!  I was psyched about that.  Ha, ha... =)

Also, I think I set a new record for adopting something of my mom's that I convinced her she wanted.  She went out and bought two more Nanos today (one for her and one for my brother).  Ha, ha... I hadn't even been "borrowing" it for a whole day!  It's crazy.

But what's even crazier was science today!  I was upset after lunch.  I didn't get to finish my coffee, so I just took it to science and finished it with Courtney.  Mr. Magnuson didn't care.  Ha, ha... oh, well, whatever!  Like... ummm... such as.... the Iraq and other Asian coutries...

BL Quote

Shirley: White roses, gold leaf cake, Bev's boobs swimming out of her wedding dress...

Brad: Who said money can't buy tastelessness?

Alan: I think Bev and Denny did a lovely job.

Paul: Eleven marriages between the two of them... they've had plenty of practice.

Also, if you get the chance, flip to "Shirley Schmidt" on Wiki.  I'm listed there on the table as a spouse of hers.  =)


The Novel Final is tomorrow; it's probably you're last grade with me.  Study!  Mrs. Clink might be giving her little test-mabob tomorrow, too.  I decay...


Anonymous said...

Lol, what colors are they? Oh, and Ur thing has already been removed lol.

Anonymous said...

My mom and I both got green, and my brother got black.  They deleted it already?!  Poo on them...  =P