Saturday, April 26, 2008

Last BAS Entry


Class results from the ASB competition today:

~ Science - 3rd

~ Social Studies - 1st

~ Math - 1st

~ Literature - 1st

~ Interdisciplinary - 1st

According to Clink, we won Conference, too!  We totally kicked butt.  She thinks this may have been the best year yet!  I can't wait for the pizza party and the state results, which should arrive Tuesday.

I don't know how Summit beat us all those years, because we killed them all three years I've been at MCMS.  Ah!  I'm so happy!

And congrats to everyone in the "Taming the Wild, Wild West... in a Dress", too!  I have to admit, I had my doubts about how good it would be.  I originally went only to support the drama people, but then it ended up being awesome!  The play was very punny.  Good job, guys/gals/its!  Ha, ha... and nice party afterwards as well!

Oh, and if you didn't catch the title, the ASB/ABS/SAB/BAS sections are over... sniffle, sniffle... it's been fun!  I hope to see all the 6th/7th graders next year if I carry out my plans to come back and coach Literature!

BL Quote

Claire: Okay, before we start, I want it on the record that I am very uncomfortable deposing a dwarf.

Bethany: What's that supposed to mean?

Claire: It means I'm uncomfortable.  I don't need any victims rights groups picketing outside my condo.  Not to mention the fact you obviously have deep, psychological issues to accept any date with a seventy-two-year-old man.  Let alone...

[stares at Denny]

Claire: ... him.

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Anonymous said...

good jobbbbb!
haha aand now i get you for spellbowl next year :]
you have no idea how amazing it will be.
and don't even think about not doing it.
you don't have a choice. :]
i'm captain. and i recruit. and i choose youu! [pikachu! haha. sorry.]

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... I can't imagine missing it!  That's going to be so much fun!  I'm going to do ASB next year, too, so you'll have to share me.  If my schedule permits, I want to coach Literature at the middle school as well.

Anonymous said...

well spellbowl's in the beginning of the year, so it'll be fine :]

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... duh... wow.  Brain fart, much.

Anonymous said...

ooh! ooh! don't forget me!
im going to help you next year!
hahaha you can be the "material" coach
and i will be the games coordinator!
hahaha you can't play hangman without me!

Anonymous said...

Of course!  Hangman wouldn't be the same without Shoetopia Citizen!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget about me, either!!! I am totally going to do even better than I did this year!!! You know, I might actually study some time that is NOT the night before the test/review/whatever they do in high school spell bowl. =P

Anonymous said...

haha i'm so excited to have people that actually care on the team.
plus the fact that you guys can spell [i think?]
and it's gonna be amazing. yayyyy haha