Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Life Sucks, Play Dagorhir

Here is a fascinating YouTube video.  Alwaysbored will find it particularly interesting (although she's probably seen it already).  I think the title really says it all.

"Life Sucks, Play Dagorhir"

I'm curious, because this is supposed to be "promotional" according to the description on YouTube.  I want to know whether anyone would honestly consider doing something like Dagorhir after seeing this.  To relieve any bias, however, high school dropouts and men who wear dresses (they claim that they're "kilts", but we all know the real truth there) aren't allowed to answer the poll.

BL Quote

Alan: One last proposal that's entirely possible.  I'm kidding, by the way, depending upon your reaction - $300,000 sealed, we kick back fifty to you under the table.

Attorney: Mr. Shore, I guarantee you I am not that kind of attorney.

Alan: Really?  Gosh, I am.

Attorney: I should report you directly to the BAR, if not the district attorney.

Alan: Well, if that's how you feel, then I was kidding.


Keep reading!!!


Anonymous said...

holy. crap.
why on earth would that make you want to play that?!
my life sucks sooo i play dagorhir.
more like my life sucks BECAUSE i play dagorhir.
or dagorhir ruined my life.
haha but oh dear.
i'm sad to state that i know some of the people in that video.
thankfully, they're barely acquantainces.
and uh, did that description thing in the beginning thing sound familiar?
"not a walking dagorhir ad" my left foot..

Anonymous said...

wow. did you read any of the comments on the vid?
haha i was like oh dear.
and check out this icon:
pretty much says it all i do believe.

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... I did read the comments, and those were priceless.  You can pretty much sum it all up in one word - lifeless.

I swear, my first thought when I saw the description was "walking ad" - here we go again.  I had these horrible flashbacks, too.  I probably won't be able to sleep tonight...

I love the icon!  "Let's hit each other with sticks and dress like Medieval people!", which really is the truth in it, though, and that's what's really sad.  It's like, "I'm sorry, but I'm not that type; men are not supposed to wear dresses/kilts or whatever else you want to call them."

Anonymous said...

haha yeah. i wanted to smack my head on something when i read the comments.
i was like nooo dont do ittt!
dont give in to temptation! [though i dont really see whats tempting.]

Anonymous said...

First of all, the "Life sucks, Play Dagorhir" was an inside joke, which pertains to people doing things other than Dagorhir. We use that to jokingly say "that's boring, come hang out with us."

Secondly, what makes you believe that "men aren't supposed to where dresses/kilts?" And what are you impling is wrong with those that do?

If you don't want to try it, fine with me. I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise. But to judge and redicule us because we participate in Dagorhir is quite callow.

Please try resisting your ignorance to the activity itself, and don't let it spread to the scrutinization of the people that participate in it.

Anonymous said...

Sooo...What exactly is wrong with guys who wear kilts? I myself, during the summer, quite frequently wear a kilt. And I'm pretty sure I could break you over my knee if I wanted to. So, if you're implying that guys who wear klilts are girly or less masculine than guys who are afraid to, then you're dead wrong kid.

Alwaysboredx0, just to clear things up since you obviously don't understand humour or sarcasm, the "My life sucks, so I play Dagorhir" was us making fun of emo kids. I really hate it when people like you need things spelled out for them. Let me ask you this, can you give me one example of someone whos life has been ruined by Dagorhir? Because I'm pretty sure you can't find one.

In any event, it's kinda sad that little punks like you have nothing better to do than sit back and try to make yourselves feel better by making fun of something that's both physically challenging and mentally stimulating that people love to do.
Thumbs up, Chumbucker.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm sorry you took such offense to my opinions about your movie, but to the non-Dagorhirian it doesn't give us the best image of you.  Unless of course everyone really does match noserings and kilts, which is what honestly stands out to any viewers.  I'm sorry you think otherwise.  No offense, but to anyone who reads this, calling Alwaysbored and I "punks" and baselessly saying that you could "snap me over a knee" doesn't do much besides prove our points.  This is a blog after all, and I'm perfectly open to letting you state your opinions.  Just please make sure it's not at the expense of making some fantastically inaccurate judgements.

Anonymous said...

What exactly are your implied connotations with piercings and kilt-wearing? And why is it that you ignored my comment completely, only attacking malakaidh's?

Anonymous said...

Your powers of observation seem to need an upgrade, jsonri. I say this because I'm pretty sure there's a grand total of 1 person in the video with a septum piercing, and only 1 or 2 that are wearing kilts. Did it ever occur to you that maybe wearing a form of clothing that is loose and non-confining would be a good idea in this sort of activity?

In any case, let me ask you something, is your life so meaningless and empty that you have nothing better to do than to sit there and make fun of Dagorhir? I mean seriously, try hobbies. Or a job. Hell, join the Army, it might do you some good.

Anonymous said...

Chumbucker: I responded to Malakaidh's, because his offended me more than yours.  I have much less time than he ignorantly believes (certainly not enough time to spend running around with foam sticks), so I was simply making a choice between the two.

Malakaidh: I'm sorry you don't believe that noserings and kilts are what stand out to anyone who sees that movie.  I've said more than enough that those are what seem most prominent.  Like I said in my last comment, I'm just telling the world what I thought of it.  You don't agree... fine.  I couldn't care less.

All you've really accomplished here is proven to the world that you are the one whose powers of observation need improvement, because I don't just sit around and bad talk Dagorhir.  Two posts out of hundreds have mentioned it, so I don't know how you're getting the image that I just assault Dagorhir 24/7.  Perhaps I don't have as much spare time as you believe either.  What I do here, which is all you clearly know of me, takes no more time than a MySpace or a Facebook, so I ask... again... that you refrain from making those mistakes.  But all the same, you've done little else besides prove the points of Alwaysbored and I.  Even better, you've done it spectacularly; kudos to you for being such an outstanding example!

Anonymous said...

First off, I think they both deserve treats.

Now onto the posts.

JSOnri already covered this mostly, but you think this is all we do?!  Ohh boy.  I've hardly had any free time even though it's spring break, between track practice, school projects, and hanging out with friends.
As far as the kilt thing, I don't care about wearing kilts.  The dress thing is kind of creepy but if that's what you want to do, hey, knock yourself out.  Kind of weird when some of the males on that video looked like girls but I'm not going to get into that.
As far as lives ruined by Dagorhir, apparently you need a lesson in sarcasm too.  I don't personally know people who do dagorhir [anymore], but did it ever occur to you that you can be affected without actually doing it?  You seem to think that we need to participate before we judge.  Yeah, normally that's the case, but not always.  There are millions of people opposed to the War in Iraq that haven't actually gone over there.  They're affected by others they know that are there, or other outside factors.  So I think by saying that we don't know what we're talking about, you're being ignorant as well.
Breaking us over your knee?  What on earth does that prove?!  I know people that could break you over their knee no problem and they don't do dagorhir.  Big whoop.  Maybe you were trying to compliment us for being skinny?  I'm confused.

Anonymous said...

Again... what are you implying is "wrong" with those that wear dresses, or have feminine appearances?

alwaysboredx0: Sarcasm is hard to detect when you are already mocking and speaking bad of it.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree totally with Alwasybored... you two do deserve treats.  *feeds*

Chumbucker: I think it's weird for a guy to wear a dress/kilt, but like Alwaysbored said, if you want to, I don't care.  Any guys offended may resist the peer pressure when I say I don't want to wear a dress, because I would hate to ruin their personal expression.

Anonymous said...

Alwaysbored, I suggest that you think twice before comparing something silly and practically meaningless as Dagorhir to something on the same magnitude as the war, unless you know what either one is like, which I'm positive you don't. And having friends or family in the military doesn't count. Until you go over there, like I have, you have no room to compare anything to the war, simply because you've never experienced anything like it, and never will.

Moving on. In my humble opinion, if the only thing about that video that stands out to you is the fact that some people have nose rings, some guys wear kilts, and some guys have long hair, then all you're rpoving is that you're ridiculously closed minded. I suggest you never go to any form of rock concert, because it might cause your mind to implode.

Now, let me ask you both something, in your opinion, does having long hair, piercings, and feeling comfortable in a kilt automatically mean that a guy is a bad person? God I hope not. Because that would be very, very sad.

As far as your free time goes, I most likely have less of it than the both of you put together. My next question is this, if you have so little free time, then why spend it bashing something that people enjoy doing? What pleasure do you get out of it? I find most sports to be ridiculous, but I don't go around making fun of them. Trust me when I say that there are a lot more things about football that I can find to make fun of, than Dagorhir.

You are more than entitled to your opinions, and I completely understand that Dag isn't for everyone. All I really want to know is why?

Anonymous said...

Chumbucker: Did I ever say it was wrong?  I just said I thought it was kind of odd but hey if that's what you want to do that's fine by me.

Malakaidh: My favorite part of your whole post was when you called dagorhir "silly and practically meaningless".  Didn't really help your case but whatever.  Anyways, the dresses and nose rings weren't all that stood out to me, but apparently you can't get that through your head.  I just chose to comment on that because I found that kind of odd but like I said before, if that's what floats your boat, go right on ahead.  And that doesn't make you a bad person if you have dresses and nose rings.  Did we ever say that..?  Didn't think so.  Also, I'm sure you could find more things wrong with football than dagorhir because you play dagorhir, duh.  We never said there weren't things wrong with other sports either, that's just not what this post is about.  Besides, like JSOnri said awhile ago, this is a BLOG and he's free to say whatever he wants, just like the people posting can say whatever.  Also, we don't "go around making fun of" dagorhir.  JSOnri saw the video on youtube, thought it was kind of odd, posted, and now we're commenting.  Simple as that.  Sorry that we were using our freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

When did Alwaysbored or I ever say guys who have piercings or like to wear kilts are "bad"?  We said that that's just not our cup of tea; if you like it, fine, go ahead!

I'm sorry, but duh you'd think football's silly, especially when you compare it to Dagorhir.  You play Dagorhir, so obviously you're going to be more loyal to it.  Just because two out of hundreds of posts mentioned Dagorhir does not mean I just sit around attacking it all day.

You were in the military, so thanks for defending our country and all.  However Alwaysbored was using the war for an anology; she's not exactly going Democrat all over it.  

You want to know why we're bashing Dagorhir?  Good God, we're not!  Like I've said again... and again... and again... I found the movie on YouTube, and I posted about it!  What are you trying to make this into?  It's nothing more than what it is!  Gracious, who's the one who needs things "spelled out" for them"?  (By the way, it's definitely not Alwaysbored - school spelling bee champ.)

Anonymous said...

First of all, NO ONE CLICK ON LIQUID'S LINK!!! Alright, now that I warned you, moving on to what I think.

Now, I do think that it is wrong to assault people who play these kind of things in their spare time, or any time for that matter. I have played/been involved in these things for a short while of time (A day or so), and I didn't like it. Strike that, I around the likes disliked it so much that I want to go home and smash myself in the head with a dying goat. I also thought that the people in general in this video dressed a little oddly, but that is my opinion, which as it was previously stated, is what A blog is all about. I completely stand behind jsonri and alwaysbored's comments because of the above stated reasons.

What I DON'T get is why you, malakaidh and chumbucker, are making such a bid deal out of what they are saying. I believe the expression is called "Making mountains out of anthills". You successfully warped the words that came out of their mouths and turned them into words for your own benefit. I have done that before, and it does not go over so well with one's conscience. But If you find it able for you to use in an argument with someone, Congrats! *Feeds 4 treats to each that were made in a factory that produces .00001% more than the economy's standard for Global Warming Greenhouse Gas Prevention and has been shut down because of something that isn't real.*

As for the kilt wearing thing, I find it, once again, odd. But, people, I guess, are allowed to wear anything they want, just like people have freedom of speech.

Hopefully this will either solve this conflict (which I doubt) or start a new one (I would like this. I just saw the most pointless video in the WORLD yesterday [Bee Movie] and would like to take out my unexplained rage in a nice, cordial debate [of sorts]).

Anonymous said...

JSOnri: Thank you for backing up what I said.  Apparently it takes about twenty times of saying something before they'll understand, so I appreciate the help.  And thanks for explaining why I don't need things spelled out for me =]

mjfpandaguy: JSOnri & I love nice debates too.  We find that they're quite fun.. & generally entertaining haha.  And thanks to you too for backing us up.  I think we're almost to twenty!

Anonymous said...

I was responding to the duo's comments that attacked the video, Dagorhir, and the people that participate in Dagorhir.

I'll just quote some stuff here:

"holy. crap.
why on earth would that make you want to play that?!
my life sucks sooo i play dagorhir.
more like my life sucks BECAUSE i play dagorhir.
or dagorhir ruined my life."

"I'm sorry, but I'm not that type; men are not supposed to wear dresses/kilts or whatever else you want to call them."

"i was like nooo dont do ittt!
dont give in to temptation! [though i dont really see whats tempting.]"

"high school dropouts and men who wear dresses (they claim that they're "kilts", but we all know the real truth there)"

All these are found on this page, and are what I consider to be arrogant.

And please try to find another "hip" modifier besides "like."

Anonymous said...

Well, you are entitled to your opinion of arrogant, just as well as we are allowed to have opinions about the game and people who play the game. You really don't have a very logical case anymore, becuase we have stated to same thing numerous times. Maybe you should, instead of reading through and finding quote to defend yourself, look backa nd see how many times we said ti was our OPINION!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The phrases "aren't supposed to wear dresses/kilts," "high school dropouts," or "my life sucks BECAUSE i play dagorhir" are not opinionated in any way.

I would only like some form of regret expressed by bored or js.

Also, I looked back and found one occurrence from you. However, I'm not really sure how you are involved in this at all. I was responding to the initial comments said by bored and js, not your spelled-out beliefs.

Lastly, when did mocking someone intellect and comprehension speed/skill become "cool?"

Anonymous said...

Actually, some of them are opinions. The first about the dresses was said as a quote by jsonri. He was quoting an icon that was referenced to by alwaysbored. So, instead of attacking jsonri, go to the maker of the icon and complain. If they'll listen to such a loosely backed argument, that is. The next about your life sucking because you played Dagorhir was an opinion because before the quote, alwaysbored said 'more like'. This implies that it would be her opinion because they are altering what the original comment was. If you look at newspapers or magazines, you can frequently find this. It is true that the last one was not an opinion completely, but it may be saying a fact. You do not know if all of the people that played/play this completed high school (the ones that actually entered it, that is). So the labeling would be appropriate if the demographic is present in the game-playing population. I got involved in this because I don't appreciate falsifications being spread by supporters of a game that, in my opinion, is stupid.  

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... you've been mopped, Chumbucker, sorry.

Anyone with a half a brain cell can see that we're just commenting on the movie we saw, and that we don't necessarily think guys and kilts go together.  If you do, great.  I wish you the best with that, but just because we disagree is not a reason to start attacking us.  You've said your piece, and we get that you don't agree with us.  Big whoop, the party's over.  Go steal so fiberglass rods from construction sites or something.  I hear your "clan" (is that what they're called?) is good at that.

Anonymous said...

YAY!! This 'conversation' has gotten to over 20!!

Anonymous said...

The first is enforcing a stereotype as a fact, and as it may be from an icon, they are endorsing it.

The second is also a stereotype assumed by... the piercings? You tell me. The 'more like'
is still a mocking, and judgemental, they, not knowing the entirety of the community. Coming from the community, and knowing all the members personally, I can disprove this.

The third applies to only those who participate, because 'play' implies that they are currently a member of the Dagorhir community, and they aren't, therefore making it judgemental and incorrect, being a member, and knowing the other members well.

jsonri, how about actually saying something instead of attacking us personally and ranting about your opinions?

Anonymous said...

None of your rebuttals actually made any sense....

jsonri is allowed to rant about HIS opinions becuase it is HIS blog. Why don't you make a blog and rant about how you think Dagorhir is the greatest thing since who-knows-what, or post in a blog that you may already have?

Anonymous said...

mjfpandaguy: Kudos to you.  Your rebuttal was great too, gracias =]

chumbucker: I'm pretty much lost as to what you're trying to say.  All I got was that we're not entitled to our own opinions and you want us to apologize for them?  Um, nope.  Not happening.  We can think whatever we want, and we already said, if that's what you want to do, knock yourself out.  We just don't quite agree.

I think this argument's pretty much dead.  Haha it took us 46 posts last time I think?  That argument was more fun though, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I stand corrected - it took 42.  I just checked =]

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA!  Personal?  You must be joking about me attacking personally!  Once you're associate decided to announce he thought he could snap Alwaysbored and I over his knee, that made it personal.  Go complain to him.

I've decided to branch out to math.  Let's take a look at what I call the "DUH" equation:


Profound - I know.  Hopefully as the accomplished physicist that you are (I'm the biggest fan of your ¿work? on String Theory), you can figure that out.  The whole point of this is to rant about my opinions, and is also the home of the coolest Literature team known to human kind (to prove my fairness, those who wear kilts are even included in that collective).  I have to agree with Panda Guy.  If you want to tell the world how great Dagorhir is, go start your own.  Much to your chagrin, I don't plan on doing that myself.  


I have to agree with Alwaysbored, this debate is dead.  You've had your fun, so scat, unless you have something new to say.

Anonymous said...

One more thing - I agree with Alwaybored that this was more fun than the last, if less large.  It's not often I'm told that I could be snapped over a knee.  It's been a bit of a slap of reality for me.  I've realized all the mistakes I've ever made and am making (the first of which would've been spending valuable time on this debate, except that it's been such good fun), and I've decided it's time to start preparing for my immortal life.  For that reason, I've converted to Buddhism.

Anonymous said...

[that last one wasn't anything against buddhists. I just can't see you as one.]

Anonymous said...

haha JSOnri three things:

1. I thought the last one was a bit more fun, but I'm sure you can understand that.
2. I love the equation! haha
3. Bahahaha you're buddhist. hehe.

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... upon realizing I'd have to start a vegetarian diet, I quit Buddha and his teachings.

Anonymous said...

jsonri: Phew! I thought you were going to pull a raldski, if you know what I mean =)
alwaysbored and jsonri: Could you tell me which post the other argument was on? I want to see this!
Everyone else involved with the conversation: I hereby and completely agree with the DUH Theory.

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... I understand, and here's the link:

Enjoy!  =)

Anonymous said...

hahahah that other one gets me every time. classic. and i still can't get past the irony of the song haha.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I know!  If I'm in a memory mood, I go back and read it among other colorful converstations with people of interest.  =)

Anonymous said...

i know that this is dead, but i decided that 38 was a better number than 37.
so if you want my personal OPINION it's this:
kilts aren't very fashionable.

Anonymous said...

BFF KATHARINE HAS SPOKEN!! Her word is like, law! So, if she says she thinks kilts are that way then it is LAW!!! =)

Anonymous said...

Let me clear this up. I play in Dagorhir. I am PROUD of the fact i play in dag. its not disgusting, and the men that wear kilts are hot ^.^. If you think your so brave, come play. I'll show you how to be humble.

Anonymous said...

And please let me clarify this. This argument is old as time. I'm not going to go name calling or belief bashing. That would prove nothing except being close-minded, a point i'm trying to go against. I respect your opinion that dagorhir isn't something you would do, Thats fine. But please, return the favor and show respect for those of us that proudly play Dagorhir.

And yes, I am a woman, and I play Dag. That doesn't make me anything but just that. A woman that plays dag. Period. No disrespect needed from your mouths or thoughts, and I will not disrespect you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you kindly for respecting my opinions.  I respect yours, and am very happy you enjoy Dagorhir.  It's just not interesting to me.  It's a shame that the tongues of those who I debated earlier weren't as civil as your own.