Thursday, April 3, 2008

Spending Spring Break

It was really nice outside today!  I went out and read four chapters from The Red Badge of Courage in the woods after canoeing to a cool spot.  It was a little bit chilly; I think it could've been a hair warmer.  I'm just glad it's not snowing anymore, because that really sucked in March.

I'm going to my aunt's this evening, but I was told yesterday that it was going to be in the afternoon.  If I had known it was pushed back later, I would've gone to Frog's surprise party.  Sorry I couldn't make it!  =(

So anyway, here is a funny (or at least I thought it was) Tomb Raider parody I found on YouTube.

"Tomb Raider Legend Barbie Girl"

BL Quote

Alan: There's no doubt in my mind that you could develop into a first-rate criminal defender, Jerry, but my hope is that you don't.  Even at your relatively mature age, you're still innocent.

Jerry: Except when I held a knife to Shirley's throat.


Keep reading!  If you at least read the novel and its footnotes, you get 39 points for the Novel Unit on Tuesday, which is roughly 1/4 of the unit.  The other 3/4 is the test.


Anonymous said...

I am questing for unicorns over MY spring break, although illegally! |*_*|

Anonymous said...

you should've had a 'hanging out w/ friends' option in the poll!
that's practically all i've been doing since i got home haha
i feel so loved :]
i agree with you though - thank goodness the snow is gone!
i love snow but when it's march/april, it needs to be doneee.

Anonymous said...

Panda Guy, tsk, tsk... you should be licensed to quest for unicorns.

Ooops, I had a brain fart.  I meant to have "Hanging out with friends" as an option, but it slipped my mind.

Anonymous said...

a surprise party?! o boy! who r we surprising? : ) jk, i'm guessing that's a different "Frog" than me? : )

Anonymous said...

Don't Worry Alwaysbored, the snow will ALL be gone once the effects of global warming start to affect us!!! And so will all of the Polar Bears, too!!! *Gasp* That's the reason why we had SNOW so late. Its global WARMING? That darn Global Warming, it gets you every time.

Never makes sense, that is =)