Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I Love Block Days

Wow, I really like block days.  That really helps with homework!  The only homework that I had tonight that was due tomorrow was World History, but because I was getting done so quickly, I decided to do some English, too.

Wow, the two stories we've had to read in English are so stupid.  "Initiation" is really weird, and I find the pretty blatant anti-pop propaganda quite repulsive.  Then "The Most Dangerous Game" is such a poor piece of literature that it's not even funny.  The textbook (yeah, the textbook!) tells how it's a failure in technique at the end during some part about the author.  That's just sad.  But anyway, that little sidebar goes on to say how it just has some sort of inexplicable, fascinating aspect.  I don't find it fascinating at all, just strange.  I mean, "Oooh, lookie, he used the obscure, Southwest Asian, boobey trap!"  That's not really interesting to me.  Well, anywho...



Oh, and if your curious, I've recently become fascinated with the Tudors (the history and the show).  I love Lady Anne!!!  (Ha, ha... Natalie Dormer is the best...)  =)

Ha, ha... and you better enjoy that picture, because it took me a while to find a one that didn't make her look like a total slut.  I'm not kidding when I say that.  Here are just a few I rejected:

Oh, and I almost forgot...

...Don't you love the hat?


Anonymous said...

mm i do agree that block days are nice as far as hmwk
howeverr i hateee thursday block days.
wednesdays are AMAZING bc i have my three fave classes (dual credit, ap history, entrepreneurship) aand a super lunch. and like zero hmwk so i can hang out after. buut thursdays i have physics, accounting, english, math. and its just as fun as it sounds. eh.
sooo id hafta go w/ regular days as my favee.
is the most dangerous game that story about the guy who's on the island being hunted? bc if it is i agre. that story sucked.

Anonymous said...

haha im so OCD.
and very pumped for spellbowl :D

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... yup, that's the one! =)