Sunday, August 5, 2007


Recently I've become aware of a society called Dagohir that's started doing some promoting in Fort Wayne.  It's based in some churches in the area, and it's a society that gets together to do Medieval battle reanactments.  They have these foam weapons and get dressed up and everything.  I don't know much about it, but I've talked to a couple people who are a part of it.  They do some different games with their weapons, and go to practices and stuff.  It just seemed like kind of a quirky thing to put on the site.  I don't know if any of you readers are interested in it, though.  I thought it'd just be something fun and different to write about.



Anonymous said...

Yeah, I've heard of this society called Dagorhir, from another website that was reffered to me by one of my associates. Dagorhir is the world's biggest waste of time.  People just go around hitting each other with a bunch of foam.  It's stupid.  They're always hounding you to join, and they definitely don't understand "no". This website was called aslamp, but the only thing that u could find there are philosophies that could be accomplished by hamsters.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm familiar with Aslamp.  I used to actually write there, but I left it.  I was the alias miztrmason if you've ever read my articles.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think i have read a few of ur post there. Are u the one that was arguing with that truth guy? But i stop going to that website, cuz no one there seems to know wat theyre talkin about. At least ur argument was pretty interesting to read. But after that it became boring, and confusing to read.

Anonymous said...

Thanks.  Ya, I was kind of getting annoyed with Truthfaith, so that's actually why I left.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I ve been to Aslamp too, it was pretty cool actually. But then I just stop posting stuff there and switch to myspace.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it actually was kind of cool.  The guy who owned it was like a computer genius.  It had a nice layout and everything, but then the posting started going downhill.

Anonymous said...

haha well you know my opinion about this.
i used to go on aslamp too but after a certain, um, fallout, for lack of a better word, i definitely dontttt go on there anymore.
and some of the articles i definitely didnt agree with so i left because of that too.
not your articles, aslamps.

Anonymous said...

Ya, lol.  I understand.  I think Aslamp had some of his priorities mixed up...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Actually to all those who haven't tried it, Dagorhir is extremely fun and is a great way to meet new people! I recommend it to anyone. It's the safest "violence" you can participate in, legally and not get hurt. If you've ever been interested in fencing, pirates, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, or have loved the movies Gladiator or 300, most likely you will enjoy Dagorhir. Also known as "LARPing", it is Live Action Role Playing. Dark age Europe meets Tolkien's Middle Earth in a safe and action-packed national live action battle game. Experience yesterday's fun today!It's a video gamers TV screen in real time. Before someone bashes it, I recommend them to at least come to a practice to check it out at Shoaff Park, Wednesdays at 6:00 and Saturdays at 1:00, turn left at the main entrance and look to your left for guys fighting. Or visit our message boards at

Anonymous said...

(and about the aslamp thing... he changed the layout so he's the only one who can post articles and they're more of updates and and computer/technical things. I now have a site:, its a Christian themed blog)

Anonymous said...

You can most accurately judge a sport by the athletes who play it.  Dagorhir is remarkable exercise, very cheap to play, incredibly simple, and completely safe.  With intelligent people, it can be an unparalleled form of competitive entertainment and strenuous exertion.  It's really a lot of fun, and it hardly hurts to try something new.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's Lamp, from If you (datcarrollkid) have a problem with it or don't happen to like, I don't really care. I've made an impact (positive) in some people's lives and that's what I set out to do. If you think it's a bunch of crap and that I could possibly be a hamster, I encourage you to get a life and stop trying to ruin others' by bashing theirs and mine.

As for Dagorhir, if you've tried it and don't like it fine, I agree it can seem stupid in some parts, but not exactly "the world's biggest waste of time", but if you haven't tried it, leave the judging to the participants.

Anonymous said...

okay, "genius5735" [idk if we're not going to use names here..?] you sound like a walking dagorhir ad. its creepy. and if thats your guys' kind of "fun" then hey enjoy. dont yell at us for judging it as dumb, time wasting, or pathetic. our type of fun is different than yours, waayy different. as for the whole 'dont knock it til you try it' thing, maybe we dont even want to try it, eh? you're judging us for "judging" you, yknow. k just thought i'd let you all know that :]
oh & "chumbucker" i dont have anything against your posts, i just disagreed with them. you're free to express whatever, & i know you know that. just no hard feelings because i dont agree, right? as far as your posts go, i mean.

Anonymous said...

ohh & um im interested in pirates & whatnot too, but i reallyy dont understand how medieval re-enactment is anything the same as pirates? okay so they both fought. similarities pretty much end there. kthnxbye :]

Anonymous said...

(sorry JSOnri for kinda invading your journal) but how exactly did i judge "you all" for judging me and what i do as a hobby? All i did was kinda explain it and tell you 'before you bash at it, try it out, you might actually like it'... I wouldn't classify that as "judging"..

but about the pirate thing, each participant develops a character and fights as a him/her. The participant can choose the race it would like to be (elf, orc, druid, human, superhuman, pirate, dwarf, ent, watever fantasy character you like).

There is a group in Southern Michigan/Northern Ohio, the Senegal's Finest and they are a bunch of pirates. They dress and fight like a bunch of pirates... why? they like pirates... go figure...

Anonymous said...

okayy whatever on the pirates thing. definitely dont get it but whatever, i dont want to. but yeah you're like ohh you're judging us, definitely, yup. maybe we're just stating our opinion, you're just calling it judging. you're juding us too, you just apparently dont get it & im not really gonna waste my time explaining it to you if you dont get it. and you really do sound like a walking ad, & its um really super creepy.
ps lovely blog jsonri, sorry we're invading it, but i dont think you'll really mind too much..? great blog though :]

Anonymous said...

an example for a character or character development is at this URL (its of Todd's/Bishop's)

Anonymous said...

I just noticed something and it made me laugh at the song you(JSOnri) were listening to when you wrote this post and i find it ironic to look at the comments and think....ya, some people weren't thinking that when this subj. was brought up...

Anonymous said...

okay im sorry but i dont really careee about the whole character development thing or whateverrr. im not interested in dagorhir, if you didnt catch that yet. oh & about the song.. haha yeah that's ironic all right. looking at the comments though, apparently its a good thing its after/over/whatever you wanna call it.

Anonymous said...

Well if you do not really care about the whole Dagorhir thing, which I caught in the first line you stated, why do you keep responding? Its not like you have any connections to this topic besides the fact that you do not like it. I for one do, and that is why I keep responding.

Anonymous said...

oh & jsonri, if this is bothering you, i can stop. i cant talk for others but if you want me to i'll stop. i just dont really think you'll mind too much..?

Anonymous said...

ohh well aren't you observant :] i'm responding because jsonri said it'd be something different to write about, implying that it's a good topic for discussion, basically. so what do you think we're doing? discussingg. wowee, tough concept there, eh? :]

Anonymous said...

lalala one more thought. while we're talking about the ironic-ness [word..?] of things.. you do realize this is basically the first time we've talked since, well, the end of march, and we're fighting... ironic, really.

Anonymous said...

I was gone for about two hours and my comments doubled.  LOL.  You guys can "invade" the journal all you want, because frankly I haven't heard a good argument in forever.

The song wasn't meant to be anything symbolic, it was just what I was listening too.  LOL.  Sorry "Genius", but sometimes you are a bit of an automaton with the whole Dagohir ad thingy.  I don't mind if you promote and stuff, but please... we do like hearing some other things too.  You can't say that everything's perfect about it.  It's not the utopian world of Telly Tubbies - sorry, but you have some people in your "clan" or whatever it is, that have some temperament issues.  We aren't required to appreciate that sort of immature behavior.  We aren't six-year-olds, we're teens, and I think some people there need to learn how to act their age.  I'm all for fun, but you can go a little to far if you get too obsessed with it.  I'm pefectly all right with you saying it's great and all, but please don't go too far with it.  We just get sick and tired of it to be truthful.  And what does liking pirates have to do with anything?  I like pirates, but I don't "do" Dagohir.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you like the site by the way, Alwaybored.  I do try with it.  LOL... can't say I expected this though... not that there's anything wrong with it! =]

Anonymous said...

I understand what you're talking about and I know its not the most perfect organization, but it is defintely unique and i haven't seen anything close to it. During practices/events or any activities during Dagorhir, there have been very few "temperament issues", most have been resolved.

The "spiel" at the beginning of the comments were for those who had not heard anything about Dagorhir, to be informed and realize what we do. The reason I promote Dagorhir so much is simply to let the word spread that there is an organization out there that sword fights. I've talked to many people about how they used to hit sticks together pretending to have a lightsabre duel or something and didn't realize there was a group out there that do the same sort of thing.

Pirates... When mentioned earlier, I was talking about this to see if someone read this, maybe it would inspire them to try it... haha not as corny as this, "hey I like pirates... I should try Dagorhir" idk more of check it out if you're interested thing...
Dagorhir isn't only medieval reenacting, like i've mentioned before, its basically any fantasy creature fighting each other.

Anonymous said...

Please don't misunderstand me; I'm not trying to be anti-Dagohir or anything, but it's not really my cup of tea.  I didn't think your description gave the full perspective of it, and I was just trying to elaborate.

Anonymous said...

hey david,
these people arguing remind me of michael and  bianca to a certain extent. don't you think? reread the comments. at least it's not us arguing this time.

Anonymous said...

I never actually heard those two arguing a lot, so I don't know.

Anonymous said...

hahahahhahaha jsonri you basically hit the nail on the head with your comment (#25) & that cracked me uppp... hahaha. wow. ahem, anyways. i definitely know what you mean about the temperament issues! ive been the subject of one before haha it was bad.. but really funny! and what you said, "I'm not trying to be anti-Dagohir or anything, but it's not really my cup of tea" exactlyyyyy. i agree, totally. kbye :]

Anonymous said...

oh & genius5735, i told you everyone loves a lively debate :-P

Anonymous said...

i didn't mean them arguing, cuz they don't argue, but always bord sounds like bianca, and genius sounds like michael. o yeah, i have my schedule. when you post urs remember to not include the name of the school or your last name. cuz i found out something scary. you can type your fone number into google, and it will come up with a map to your house.

Anonymous said...

Of course I won't.  I'm not going to scan it, just put down the class periods and teacher names.  Send me yours and I'll post it as "Turtle's Schedule".  Nobody'll know it's you.

I get what you mean now with the screen names.  I didn't get it before...

Anonymous said...

ohhh and by the way.. for those of you that are like 'dont knock it til you try it' [especially the walking ad] did you ever stop to think that maybe we have a good reason for not liking it? that maybe some people put too much time in that and not enough time into other things that obviously needed tending to..? like maybe you're a bit OBSESSED & just blow other people off for dagorhir? hmmm? yeah, and you thought you weren't judging.

Anonymous said...

I once read somewhere, "Never love something that can't love you back, because you will soon find that it is a very one-sided affair."  Any practice can be unhealthy when it begins to consume the time you spend with family, friends, and other loved-ones.  I think some of us are getting (have gotten) this image from some members of Dagohir.

Anonymous said...

-nod- trueee that. i agreeee fersure :]

Anonymous said...

First off: (AlwaysboredxO I'm taking you're comment as though you were directing it towards me) I'm not obsessed with dagorhir. I treat it as anyone would a sport or extra-corricular activity. Who are you to tell me that my priorities are "out of line" by saying that I'm putting too much time into it? I put plenty of time into other things and I spend lots of time with family, loved-ones, friends, and others. I haven't blown anyone off (that I know of) because of Dagorhir because most things I do for Dagorhir is already planned ahead of time. If I have blown someone off, I'm sorry and I probably wasn't allowed to go and do what they wanted me to do, otherwise I may have went.

JSOnri: If I may ask, which members of Dagorhir have you gotten this image from? If so, maybe I need to talk to them.
O and maybe, when this person goes to practice, they are spending time with friends? Who would have thought, a guy involved in an organization would have friends or maybe even family there who he gets to hang with?

You said you wanted a lively debate... so I guess, here it is...

Anonymous said...

When I wrote this article, I didn't mean it to be offensive to anyone.  Sorry, DatCarrollKid, but you said some pretty rude things.  I understand that you have the right to express yourself, but you should do it politely so.  If I get more rude stuff from you then I'll ask you to leave, or if you don't comply, just block you from this site.

Genius I have the right to express myself, and you also have the right to disagree with it.  What I think is wrong, you may contradict me in thinking that it is right.  I am not required to disclose my sources to you, I am not a first-hand witness of this image, but have gotten it from others.  These others probably don't want you chasing after them to get answers.  We have better things to do than to argue our opinions with others.

Anonymous said...

oh really. and yeah arent you such a smart little kiddd to figure out im talking about youu. -gives you a treat- whatever. annnyyways youu said that you're not obsessed? k thats interesting. & that you dont blow people off? how bout we put it this way.. you dont want to change yourr plans of dagorhir so you ask OTHER people to change theirs. sound better now? dont even try to tell me you dont do this. i know from first hand experiencee that you do, & other people have told me as well. seriously, open your eyes a bit there kid.  things arent always as they appear, especially when they're appearing to a walking dagorhir ad.

ohh & i do agree with jsonri, i wasnt trying to be offensive, just stating my opinion, but now i guess i have to argue my opinion. ohh welll! practice for the future lawyer =]

Anonymous said...

welll i basically think this argument's over haha. so all you watchers can go home now :-P. cough*iwon*cough :D

Anonymous said...

It was over when I got here! :}