Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Harry Potter???

I was bored in the car on the way to registration today, and I was wondering if I still would've liked Harry Potter is he had had a different first name.  Would you think, just as a first impression, that Gary Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone would be a good book?  I don't think I would've.  I bet J.K. had to think awhile to get the perfect name to make the best impression.  Harry's pretty good I think.  I wouldn't want a George Potter, or a Jason Potter.  That would just be weird, but maybe that's just because I've heard it this way for so long.

On a more controversial note, what if Harry Potter was a girl?  Like Elizabeth Potter or something, would you read that?  Would that be as good of a story.  I think eveyone has little prejudice inside of them, whether or not it shows a lot.  I don't think I'm a racist or sexist.  I get along with pretty much everyone.  But I think J.K. Rowling made the best story by making Harry Potter male.  It doesn't seem the same had he not been a he...


Anonymous said...

OMG I WAS THINKING ABOUT THAT THE OTHER DAY! haha sorry. but seriously, i was. i was like hmm what if he had a different name..? then i couldnt think of anything else that sounded good so i quit trying haha.
oh & if he had been a girl, i totally would have loved it more, but theres that sexist side of me :] actually i really dont know, its hard to try & figure yknow? i think it might have been better though bcuz okay the guy won, whatever. but if a girl beat the guy lord voldemort, it'd be even more impressive, i think. but idk. i'd hafta read the book haha

Anonymous said...

haha oh & i was thinking... are you really listening to all these songs when you write these? bcuz you listen to a lottt of different music haha. just wondering :]

Anonymous said...

I think that be cool for a Ms. Potter to be Voldemort!  That would be awesome!  I think the storyline would be a lot different though.  A girl would definitely approach some situations differently than a guy, not necessarily for better or worse, but probably some of both.

And yes, lol, I actually am listening to that music.  I created a folder on my computer that is a mix of all the music I have in alphabetical order.  I select all of them with ctrl + A, and then randomly choose one to start at and right-click and press "play all".  So then I got a good variety.  I'll listen to mostly anything - country, hip hop, light rock.  I don't like rap that well, though.

Anonymous said...

haha cool. yeah im basically the same way, i'll listen to just about anything except for like heavy metal or country.. gahh i hate country. i only like like 4 songs + rascal flatts but thats all our bus driver listens to, everrr. every day.. there & back.. -shudder- ahh its bad. haha

Anonymous said...

I only like "pop" country, like Shania Twain or Kenny Chesney.  I absolutely despise "Yee haw, cowboy" stereotypical country.  Erggg... that stuff is just weird.  I don't like heavy metal either.  I'm not a hippie...

Anonymous said...

yeahh the select few country songs i DO like are pop country. but yeee haww? yuuuckk haw more like it. haha