Saturday, August 4, 2007


(SPOILERS ALERT!!!!!!!!) As you might've read in "About Me", I'm a big fan of Harry Potter.  I dressed as Dumbledore coming in at 6' 5" (I made platfrom shoes out of blocks of wood I broke for Tae Kwon Do) for a Harry Potter Party at my local library.  I finished the book after 8 1/2 hours of reading.  That night I only got 3 hours of sleep, but it was worth it.  I had to know.  It was one of the most predictable books I've ever read, but that's OK.  I still thought it was great!  I thought it was great that Snape ended up good (although I had been ranting that for some time).  I don't think Mrs. Weasley could have ever beaten Bellatrix, though, even with the circumstances... I thought Fawkes should have played a part (The word "Fawkes" was never used once throughout the whole book!).  Aberforth was pretty cool, but I didn't like how the Room of Requirement was the resting place of the diadem.  That was way too simple in my opinion.  I thought she'd reveal some new, darker place.  The Heads of Houses encounter with Snape was spectacular.  I loved that.  The whole wandlore made the plot a lot more interesting I thought.  That was great!  Harry Potter was an awesome ride I thought.  They're actually coming out with a Harry Potter Theme Park in Florida.  That'll be cool.  I was really upset that the series ended.  It wasn't a question of whether or not it would, but I still didn't want to hear it.  I'm sure it will be a series to remember that will stick around for a long time.  What really ticked me off was the Christian controversy over it.  That's absurd in my opinion.  It's fiction for crying out loud.  Children believing witchcraft isn't a result of Harry Potter, that's just poor parenting.  Long live Harry Potter!
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Anonymous said...

I really liked the book. The wandlore definately made it more interesting, and I liked how random Xenophillius is. I really liked the epilouge (spelled right?) too. I liked the fact that Snape was good after all, and how harry figured out that the wand belonged to him.

Anonymous said...

Definitely!  I'm not sure about Xenophilias, though.  I didn't like that he ended up trying to sell out Harry.  Luna's awesome, though.  She's probably my favorite (or one of them) character.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what's even cooler, J.K. agreed to an interview with Bloomsbury to elaborate of the epilogue, because you could kind of tell it was a little lacking still for her more ravid readers:

~ Victoire is the eldest child of Bill and Fleur.

~ Luna becomes a sort of wizard naturalist, or as close as you can get to being one in the magical world.

~ Luna also begins to see the faults in her father, and even though she's still a little out of it, she begins to become a bit more down-to-earth.

~ Neville and Luna could get together.  She said that was up to the reader's imagination.

~ Harry becomes Head of the Auror Office, and Ron is also a high-ranking Auror.

~ Hermione actually does become a high-ranking lawyer in the Department of Magical Enforcement, just as Scrimgeour predicts at the beginning of the book.

~ McGonagol does NOT become headmistress (she never says who does), because she's getting on there a bit.

I think that was pretty much everything.  I hope you find it interesting - I did, even though there wasn't a lot of new information.

Anonymous said...

i loved this book, especially the epilogue. & i was sooo happy that ron & hermione got together! i'd been waiting for that foreverrrr :] im glad harry & ginny got together as well. xeno was kind of crazy & didnt really have a point, and neither did pettigrew. i also thought that too many people died! fred & dobby were the worst, rip :[ but i loved the book, for sure.

Anonymous said...

I know!  Ron and Hermione are perfect!  Ron's not hot enough for Hermione, though, that fourth movie with Ms. Watson is smokin'!  LOL.  Xenophilias was OK, but he wasn't a lot like Luna in terms of bravery.  You know it's so odd, because everyone's related now, but that's cool and all.  I love that.  Only since James was a pureblood, the Blacks were purebloods, the Malfoys were purebloods, Tom Riddle Sen. was a pureblood, the Weasleys were purebloods, and Dumbledore's father was a pureblood everyone was related from the get-go!  But I think that's all cool.  Someone should make a family tree for them!  LOL.  How confusing...

Anonymous said...

yeah, i was sad that fred and dobby died. I agree about ron not being good enough for hermione. he's not even cute. i liked that they were all related, but i don't know what i think about dumbledore's past.

Anonymous said...

Ron is nothing compared to Hermione.  LOL, you have to be a guy for this one, Turtles.

I was really sad about Dobby too!  He didn't even die by magic, it was a knife!  That's really retarded!  

I didn't Fred should die, either, because without Fred, George is nothing.  You have to have both of them to complete the set.  That's why she had to kill both Lupin and Tonks.  

And Hedwig dying was pointless!  That was just sadistic cruelty on Jo's part!

Anonymous said...

Dobby died a hero’s death, and the knife made more sense than magic.  He was powerful enough with magic to disarm Bellatrix; gathering enough witches and wizards to overpower him wouldn’t have been worth the death of one house elf.  Even if Riddle and every Death Eater faced him at once, he could simply disapparate.  Even Riddle didn’t have the power to stop a house elf from disapparating.  For all his magic, though, Dobby was as much flesh and blood as any being who can be killed by a knife.  There’s nothing at all retarded about dying when one has a knife in one’s chest.

George still has Percy.  Fred died when Percy told a joke (ha), so we might be meant to assume that Percy will redeem his “ministry-loving, family-disowning, power-hungry” ways by replacing Fred as George’s partner in mischief.  Fred had to die to make way for Percy’s redemption.  Even if I’m wrong about Percy, George would hardly sink into the shadows.  Considering Potterwatch, the “holy” jokes about George’s ear, and “You-No-Poo,” it seems obvious that the twins combat fear and sadness with humor.  Fred’s death would only serve to motivate George to be mischievous enough for the two of them.  Lupin and Tonks both had to die so that Teddy could be the next Sirius, detached from his parents and an unofficially adopted Potter.

Hedwig’s death was cruel, but not sadistic.  Her death contributed effectively to the mood of the chapter, and it would have been too much trouble for Harry to take her with him to destroy horcruxes.  It was more convenient for “Jo” to simply kill her.  On the bright side, the Avada Kedavra curse is painless.  An owl in its natural habitat might instead have been eaten, run over, shot, or smashed flat by a falling tree.  Hedwig lived a long, happy, and productive life and died an instant and painless death.  That a minor character and civilian died was sad, but it

Anonymous said...

Whatever Dumbledore’s past, his following years more than redeemed his sins (He orchestrated Riddle’s demise!).  Later, he was humble and contrite when he talked about Arianna and Grindelwald.  Plus, Rita Skeeter wrote that he was evil.  That indicated that he was good.

I agree, Xenophilius was a weak-minded disgrace to the noble house of Ravenclaw.

A pureblood family tree would be nearly as bad as a family tree of the Greek pantheon.  What a mess!

I agree, Pettigrew was a useless sycophant.  He rejuvenated Riddle and involuntarily saved Harry’s life twice, but another character could have done that.  Pettigrew’s personality wasn’t particularly admirable or fearsome in any way.  His purpose ended with the third book.

I strongly agree, Luna’s awesome.

Snape was never the master of the Elder Wand.  Riddle was mistaken; he didn’t know that Draco had disarmed Dumbledore before Snape arrived.  If Snape had been, Riddle would have owned the Elder Wand after killing him and would have been able to kill Harry once and for all.  Riddle’s last curse only backfired because the Elder Wand actually belonged to Harry at the end.

Anonymous said...

I didn't mean it was literally "retarded", that just didn't seem a worthy death for Dobby.  He didn't deserve to die at all anyway.  I guess that's why he had to.  I'm sorry you don't agree, but I'm entitled to think of it as I wish.  =}