Monday, August 6, 2007


The other day I was watching Madagascar (again), and I was divinely inspired to go out and find the soundtrack, which I did!  I wish I could upload "I Like to Move It", but it would probably take me until 3007.  You know how the computer will tell you "2 minutes 34 seconds"?  Well, no joke, it measured it in years when I tried to download some music!  LOL.  It's either my dial-up, or a really sadistic computer hacker.  It's definitely the best entirely-animated movie on Earth - sorry Ice Age - you're good but you can't touch this!  Mort rules! 

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Anonymous said...

i definately loved this movie, but i'll have to say i liked cars better.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen Cars yet, but I don't know how it could top Madagascar.  "Now who wants a cookie?!?!"

Anonymous said...

haha i love that movie. & i think we actually might have that song..? but i dont know how to get it to you w/ your dial-up haha