Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Silly David, Trix Are for Kids!

Well, you know (or don't) the worksheet we got in Green today... with the six short answers?  Being smart as usual, I brought my binder home with it, but forgot my dumb history textbook, which is also conveniently not online.  I know how I'll be spending tomorrow morning in the cafeteria.  Silly me.  Gar.  Lesbian.

I think I'm going to save my lovely Algebra and English for third period with the cello (see below) tomorrow.  I did my science, though, so you can still be semi-proud-ish.  Ha, ha... homework is stupid.  Schoolwork should be done at school!  Homework is about as silly as leaving your unable-to-look-up-online, social studies book at school for the longest assignment from history of the year.  Wacko.  Wizard.  Smashing.  Lesbian.

BL Quote

Brad: Feel free to mock me all you want, but don't you dare ridicule our troops.

Alan: Just so I'm clear, I should feel free to mock you?

Footnotes from Shoetopia

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