Thursday, May 1, 2008

Would You Still Be My Friend If...

I was kind of bored in my room today after studying and cleaning.  During my scourge, I found a bag of party balloons, and then I began wondering, "Would you still be my friend if had man-boobs like these?"

Ha, ha... aren't they lovely?  I think the one on on the right ended up being larger... oh, well, I tried to make them even.  Anywho, make sure to vote!

Footnotes from Shoetopia


Anonymous said...

hahahaha i love the footnotes
also i don't think i'd be your friend.
no offense. hahaha

Anonymous said...

Lol...I would have to aggree with shoetopia on that one.

Oh and for the DO know that FFS stands for something else...right?

Oh! And by the way, we had a "lunch detention" today for student council. We got the groups for the tours. Ur partner is my "cousin" Dana. I got Tony I think.

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... well duh you like the "Footnotes from Shoetopia," Shoetopia Citizen!  You wrote them!  =P

I was going to change "FFS" next time, but I wanted to see if anyone would notice it.  Anywho, for the record, I voted that I wouldn't be my own friend if I looked like that.  Now, if there was an exact copy of me, we'd be best friends!

Anonymous said...

what can i say?
i take pride in my work!

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... they are very beautiful!

Anonymous said...

haha i'd be your friend.
bc then i could be like
'i'm friends with the kid w/ the biggest man boobs ever & you aren't. so ha!'
i love how you can see the orange through your shirt on the left [your right] one.
is the other one bluee?

Anonymous said...

You're right on with the colors, Alwaysbored.  Ha, ha...

Anonymous said...

ohh la la daviy poo!!! haha. now u match lara croft!

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... that's true, Tony dearest.