Friday, August 8, 2008

Must Choose

Gar.  There's a PA bonfire and water fight on Saturday, but I'm missing it for movie night.  They both are from 5-10.  Lesbian.  I was looking forward to that, too.  Oh, well.  Movie night had better be amazing!

My poor thumb!  I cut it open yesterday when I was grating zucchini for zucchini bread, and it's been bleeding profusely.  The bread's really good, though!

Have you seen the trailer for "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?"

Yeah, talk about serious anticlimax - "Did I know that I had just met the greatest dark wizard of all time?  No."  That's so stupid.  Somehow, I don't think it'll be all that exciting.  Of course, I have to see it anyway.  I'm looking forward to "Twilight," though!  That looked really good.

Oh, the new, mandarin Stride gum is really good if you haven't tried it!


Anonymous said...

Totally go to movie night. Marina has stuff from France!!

Tear for your thumb. So it is bleeding blood but not love? =)

I didn't think much for the trailer. I saw it in the movie theater while I was watching the Mummy. It looks better on the big screen.

The mandarin orange gum is good flavor wise. I still like many more Orbit flavors better. And nthey claim that the Stride gum lasts for like ever and it really doesn't last as long. I feel that they tried to do it but the flavor dynamic decreases as you chew. I wouldn't sacrifice the impact of the flavor just so you don't have to chew another piece. If that makes any sense...

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! You have to watch the "Disturbia" music video by Rihanna! Watch it on YouTube!

Anonymous said...

hmm i thought the trailer looks pretty good!
anddd stride spearmint gum is the best, period :)
hahaha and i found a great avatar.. remind you of anyone?

Anonymous said...

I like the cinnamon and mandarin flavors best.  Spearmint's OK. =P

Oooohhhhhhh myyyyy.  That avatar is amazing.  Ha, ha... love it!  =)

Anonymous said...

Just saying, overall, Trident is the best gum in the world.

Anonymous said...

by the way, i bought the mandarin stride gum the other day
it is reallyyy good!
but spearmints still the best :]