Saturday, November 17, 2007


I really want to go see "Beowulf" tomorrow!  From the commercials it looks like a deadly combination of historical literature, mythology, and Angelina Jolie.  Woot-woot!  The USA Today gave it a 3 out of 4 (who grades out of 4?), but they are probably all history-haters (just kidding).

If you don't know, "Beowulf" is a Scandanavian epic, often considered the most important work of Old English literature.  It involves a prince named... you guessed it... Beowulf.  He fights and defeats the evil half-human fiend, Grendel.  Then his mother comes to avenge her son's death.  Fifty years later, Beowulf is king.  A dragon plagues his kingdom, and it his fate to fight the beast.  Both are mortally wounded in the battle, and the story ends with the reading of Beowulf's epitaph, or at least that's how the historic text goes.

I've heard that the movie diverts from the original epic often, so that very brief summary shouldn't have spoiled it.  It should be good with a little inaccuracy anyway!  That's nothing new.  I think I'll be forced to buy the tale from Borders.  I saw it there the other day, but didn't get it.


Anonymous said...

yuckk.. haha i'm sorry but i'm going to have to disagree. i do nott want to see that movie at alll. maybe just bcuz im a history hater.. haha. but um yeah it bothers me that they use real actors but it's animated..? im like what the heck haha

Anonymous said...

I just came back from seeing it and I thought it was awesome!  It was kinda weird that the people were animated, but not excessively so.  And for being a history thing, it was so weird either!  I would give it a 4.5/5!  =)