Saturday, January 12, 2008


It looks like we'll be getting a ferret!  Yay!  We've been trying to think of some names for it.  So far I've heard/came up with -

~ David (thanks, Turtles) =P

~ Ricochet

~ Euphemus

~ Phoebus

~ Thessalus

~ Talus

~ Tullius

~ Cicero

~ Posca


Anonymous said...

No no. I said you should name it David Cornelius Ferretimus Gregorious Albert  Scorpinius Macadamia. A much better name in my opinion. Just the right length and it's got a certain ring to it, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

i like Tullius.. but that sounds like a girl name.
will it be a boy or girl ferret???
that makes all the difference haha

Anonymous said...

It does have a ring to it... after you finally get it all out, but the "macadamia" part puts the brakes on it I think.

Tullius is my favorite so far, too.  It's a "guy" name, but it does kinda sound like a girl's.  It was the family name of "Marcus Tullius Cicero".  Romans had the coolest names.  I got "Euphemus", "Phoebus", "Thessalus", and "Talus" all from Greek mythology.  I tend to do that with my pet names.  I just think they sound good.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I just remember that the feminine "Tullius" is "Tullia".  I think "Tullia" is an ugly name, but "Tullius" is pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

yeah Tullia is kinda ugly, but i vote for Tullius!

Anonymous said...

Tullius is my favorite so far, too.  It's a good ferret-name.  Well, it's a nice name over all.  I named my egg-baby that after all!  (Called him "Tully" for short!)  Ricochet would be my second choice.  That's a pretty cute name for a ferret.

Anonymous said...

I think you should name him Tullius Cornelius Ferretimus Gregorious Albert  Scorpinius Macadamia. Then he could have a really cool name but you could just call him Tullius. :-)