Sunday, May 4, 2008

Algebra and Morels

I despise this Algebra chapter.  I'm trying to catch up on the last three assignments, which I missed/didn't do.  I officially hate missing school, too, because teaching myself sucks.  So anyway, I'm taking a break from that right now to blog.  Sorry it's been a while by the way.

I cannot wait until summer; I'm so bored with Indiana.  Although, I am really happy that spring is finally here.  It's so nice in the woods this time of the year!  Speaking of which, 'shroom hunting with Mr. C wasn't that bad yesterday.  He didn't talk about anything boring, so that was nice.  It was almost good conversation!  We didn't find a single morel (the good, yummy mushroom), though.  We were a bit early in the season.

This year is so much different than last year.  I know this sounds really nerdy, but I was actually depressed about the first three days of last summer.  I was really, really sad that seventh grade was over.  It was so amazing!  Ah, nothing will ever beat Mcniece's fourth period.  Good memories... stinging applesauce in my nose... Gregory... notes on the dry-erase board... picnic... bridges... *sigh*...  I do think we made the most of this grade, though!  Considering what we were given (teacher/people-wise), it's gone pretty well.

What's for sure, is that I may not be sad about leaving eighth grade, however I will be over the fact that we're leaving MCMS.  =(

BL Quote


Alan: I always feel slightly sick to my stomach when I work alone in the office late at night.

Denise: I thought you liked being alone.

Alan: Oh, I love being alone.  I just prefer to be alone when there's other people around.


Denny: Alan, Bev is the woman I've always dreamed of.  An angel in the bedroom and a whore in the kitchen.

Alan: I think it's the other way around.

Denny: Not last night.


Alan: [to Denny] Ah, there you are!  I've hardly seen you this episode.

Footnotes from Shoetopia


Anonymous said...

I agree. I just can't believe it has been 3 YEARS at MCMS. Remeber Snack Time, when we all used to bring in those Bold Chex Mix bags? Good Times....

Do you know if you guys are going to go questing for 'shrooms again?

We HAVE to rember to go to lunch with Mr. McNiece before the year gets out. *Writes sloppy note on forehead*

Anonymous said...

awww you can't really read the footnotes that well... :(
anyways, for all of you who want to know what it says, here's a condensed version.
-emma watson is in a new movie
-david a. is NOT going home. ;D

Anonymous said...

Pandaguy: Ya, I think we're going questing again.  I decay.  (Decay and mushrooms... get it?  Never mind...)

Shoetopia Citizen: It is kind of hard to read it... hm... oh, well.  We've been informed now.

Anonymous said...

david a is never going home.
bc he is going to win.
bc he is freaking amazing at singing.
and also amazingly adorable.