Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Inside Jokes

I was paging through Lord of the Zippers (it was originally Lord of the Flies, but we thought our favorite Algebra could star as the Lord of the Zippers), and I can't stop laughing at all our inside jokes that I've scribbled in there:

~ Mr. Brickley Hears a Mysterious Ticking Noise (slope, slope, slope-ity, slope... PARALLEL!)

~ Hawt

~ Unicorn questing

~ In-betweenness

~ Shoetopia

~ Ass-mar

~ "What the Whig!"/"This Whiggishness will not be tolerated!"/Whiggery/Whiggishness

~ Raining buckets, flying rackets, and too much fun on the spin cycle

~ Making soup with power tools


~ "Let's get some AIDS."

~ "Let's get some 'shrooms."

~ "Life sucks play Dagorhir" and "I love men who wear kilts"

~ "Azura's beauty is a crime!"

~ Waxy

~ Gar/Wakko/Wizard/Smashing/Lesbian

~ The square root of stuff equals junk!

~ "Hey!  Look, a duck!"

~ "The sun is a mass..."

~ "Macaire, you skank!"  (ha, ha...)


Good times... we're amazing...

Which reminds me that I'm so mad, because we have to take ISTEP twice next year!  Lesbian!  Oh, and just so you know, the spell check wanted to replace "skank" with "spank."  Ha, ha... that made me laugh.

BL Quote

Denny: How can you ban red meat?

Dominick: Well, they've got a whole campaign.  They're going to go with it.  They plan to promote Summersport as the seafood capital of the world,

Denny: We're carnivores.  When the pilgrims landing, first thing they did was eat a few Indians.

Silence [Awkward turtle!]

Dominick: Is there anything we can do?

Shirley: We'll get in the media TRO.

Denny: I'll argue it myself.  Ban red meat - that cannot pass Constitutional mustard.

Shirley: The word is "muster," Denny, but you're right - the law lacks condiments.\

Footnotes from Shoetopia


Anonymous said...

What the HECK is the picture?!?!

Anonymous said...

Lol Katharine... I love how you underlined the 5 in the dat! ( I misspelled bate for a reason! =P)

Anonymous said...

It's a white morel!  That's the edible mushroom that's really good.  Why?  What did you think it was?! Hmm?  =P

Anonymous said...

haha i didn't know what the pic was either.
i was like random much..?
at first i just saw part & was like DAVY JONES?!?!?!
way to get me excited haha.
and btw i feel honored to know what two of those inside jokes are haha

Anonymous said...

personally i like the last 2 best!
lol good times!!

Anonymous said...

hahaha omg i was googling statues of hermes last night w/ my friend for an etymology project and we found one that reminded us of mr brickley!
[and yes, there's nudity. it's an ancient greek statue, so they're kinda always naked anyways haha.]
haha it made us laugh :]

Anonymous said...

hahahahah those statues look just like him!
omg i was looking at all the nametags at church
and i happened to go across the 'S' section
and there was a nametag that read:
Shirlie Schmidt

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... those statues are awesome!  Those are perfect for him!

Shirley Schmidt sighting!  OMG!  Ha, ha... wrong first name, though.  Too bad... I'm sure she'd like to meet her husband.  Ha, ha...

Anonymous said...

i demand that youn make a new entry as soon as you get home from school!

Anonymous said...

i second that demand!