Sunday, November 18, 2007

Beowulf Review

I just went and saw "Beowulf".  I thought it was really good!  I would rate it 4.5/5!

I really appreciated the history in "Beowulf", like I would any other movie about the past.  It had a lot of good fights, too.  Did I mention Angelina Jolie was in it?  (Just kidding!)  The concept and motif behind it was spectacular!

What I didn't like was that it was animated.  I was very depressed to see Angelina that way, but really, that cut down on the fighting a lot.  It was just kinda wierd to see it that way.  I haven't read the actual tale, just summaries, so I don't know how closely it follows the actual epic.  I can't dis it on then.  The ending was a little disappointing at first, but when you think about it, it really leaves a good impression.

I definitely plan to read a translation of Beowulf in the near future.  I looked it up on Borders' website, and it's $13.95.  I can hack that down to $10.47 before tax with my 25% off coupon!  Yay!  =)

One reason I love going to theatres is the commercials.  Usually they are looked at as annoying, but I find them useful!  "National Treasure 2: The Book of Secrets", "Wanted" (with Angelina Jolie, not to mention the plot looks great), and "Kungfu Panda" (which I will only see because Angelina Jolie is one of the voices (it's animated unfortunately)) are all movies I plan on seeing.


Anonymous said...

That movie sounds cool. I LOVE the commercials before the movies, too! I TOTTALLY want to see that Kung Fu Panda movie too! That National Treasure is a must on my "to-see" list for the holidays...

Anonymous said...

The commercials are the best!  Kungfu Panda looks so stupid, I have to see.  Did I mention Angelina Jolie is one of the voices?  (lol)  I usually don't like animated movies that well, but what the heck!  =)

Anonymous said...

so i see angelina jolie is up there w/ history on your list haha
yuckk im not seeing beowulf, sorry. looks dumb & i hatee that animation thing.
buuut I CANT WAIT FOR NT2! 12/21 :D

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha... yuuup!  History, Borders, and Angelina Jolie!  I guess National Treasure is on your list with Pirates?  =)

Anonymous said...

haha yuup
it goes pirates, national treasure, day after tomorrow, the pacifier

Anonymous said...

I figured the first two, but the last two?  I wouldn't have guessed those.